In three words or less, how would you describe how you’re living your life? Outrageous, playing it safe, off the charts, slow and steady, keep on truckin’, growing fast… For my own life, I would say that I’m “not bold enough.”
I once had a boss who gave me a desk plaque that said, “Dare to soar” with a picture of an eagle next to it. She clearly saw how I held myself back, achieving good things but clearly not what I’m capable of.
This is my year to be bold, to do the things I’ve admired about others and achieve great things.
Some of the bold people I’ve been following who are achieving great things have posted their versions of goals or resolutions for the new year and their lives in general. I want to share them with you.
Scott Dinsmore at Live Your Legend has done some amazing things over the past year. He turned his blog that was going nowhere fast over the past few years into one of the leaders in the lifestyle design arena. He released his first product. He recently posted his goals for the coming year along with his free Goal Setting and Action Workbook. If setting concrete goals is your thing, this is the place to go.
Barrie Davenport at Live Bold and Bloom continues to inspire and motivate us to live our own bold lives. She recently posted The 20 Most Life-Altering Concepts I’ve Ever Embraced – life lessons that have transformed how she lives her life. It’s an amazing list. If you fully embrace and integrate even some of these in your life, the effects will be transformative. She also has some wonderful programs like Discover Your Passion, something we all need to do.
Courtney Carver at Be More With Less suggests a Love List instead of a list of goals or resolutions. After reading this post, I immediately made my own Love List. Rather than goals that must be ticked off a list, a Love List is a list of things we would love to do or incorporate into our lives. I love this concept because it shifts our focus from things we feel like we should do to things we love to do. And doing what we love is a key to a happier life.
If fears are keeping you from living your most amazing life, Tess Marshall at The Bold Life has a new program, Take Your Fears and Shove It (I love that title), that should blast you forward. Her blog always inspires me to live more boldly.
And if motivation is an issue for you, consider Jen Grisham’s post on her blog, Everyday Bright, called What if 2012 Were the Last Year of Your Life? If all the predictions are true, the world, as we know it, will end at the end of this year. Whether you believe this or not, why not live as if it were true?
What do I want my life to look like?
When looking at the new year, I like to take Steven Covey’s advice and begin with the end in mind. What do I want my life to look like at the end of this year? What do I want my average day to look like? Who do I want to spend my time with? We are the sum of the five people with whom we spend the most time.
Normally we would look at the action steps that we must take to reach our goals. Looking at it a little differently, what new habits do I need to adopt and which of my daily habits do I need to drop in order for me to reach my ideal life? How can I incorporate more of my Love List in my day?
Making it even more real, what can I do right now that will take me closer to my ideal life?
That question takes us out of the “someday I’ll start” mentality that ends in frustration over unmet goals and brings us into the present moment. Our lives are nothing more than a series of present moments. The results in our lives are the sum of the choices we make in each of those moments.
If improved health or weight loss are on your agenda, are you eating or drinking something while you read this? Stop. Finish reading. Close your computer and then focus on what you’re about to consume. Notice every little thing you put in your mouth – the taste, the texture, how you feel when you’re done. Be present in each moment. A friend of mine started a new practice of taking a picture of everything she eats. Do whatever works for you but do one thing at a time and be as conscious as possible of every aspect of it.
Do you want to improve your business or your relationships? How much time are you spending on emails, TV and other things that aren’t on your Love List? Those are all habits. Out with the ones that aren’t serving you and in with the new ones that will. Leo at Zen Habits has many resources on how to develop new habits.
Stop and notice the choices you make throughout your day. Most choices are made with very little thought. Start to notice and consider your options each time. See what happens when you make a different choice.
What can you do as soon as you finish reading this post that will move you one more baby step closer to your ideal life? Notice how you feel when you take that baby step and the next one.
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
Hi, thanks so much for always providing us with great articles, I love reading your post, it keeps me motivated. Continue doing a great job of helping and keeping your readers always informed.
Hi Paige,
Everything happens, one choice at a time. In every moment we can choose what to do next and that is were our power is. By becoming more thoughtful about our choices, we can shape our life.
Thanks for the reminder
Thanks Marc! Great summary!
Hey Paige,
Wonderful post and I definitely agree with everyone so far.
How am I living my life? I never really thought about that but I would have to say happy, grateful, motivated and definitely an action taker. Things are taking off for me this year and I have a lot of not only people to thank for that but the lessons I’ve learned along the way.
I love how you shared the other bloggers you’ve been following and some of the goals and resolutions they have made for this year. Obviously you think very highly of them or I don’t think you would have mentioned them here. I don’t believe I’ve visited any of them before so thanks for sharing this with us.
I now know what I want my life to look like and I believe I’m taking the action steps that will get me there. One step at a time is right but I also have my goals mapped out as well that will take me to that place. I’m achieving one goal at a time and I’m excited to see the outcome. Glad you are coming along for the ride and I also get to watch you achieve all of your goals as well.
Wonderful post and here is wishing you the best year ever!
Thank you so much Adrienne! That really means a lot to me.
You are the Queen of Action in my book and a major inspiration for so many. With all you do to support so many others, your year can’t do anything but explode.
Keep doing what you do so well and we’ll keep learning!
Thank you for the great post. It is so true that we live so much of our lives on auto-pilot that we are unaware of the choices we make.
To experience each moment and savor it is definitively a goal of mine for 2012.
I really like the advice to view things from what you want to accomplish this year and work backwards. That way it is easy to see what choices I make today will impact my result at the end of the year.
Thanks Patricia!
If savoring each moment is one of your goals for the year, how are you savoring your moment right now? Many times we think of goals as being something “out there” but, as you stated, the choices you make right now will impact where you’ll end up.
Hope you have an wonder-filled 2012!!
I love the way people are discussing about how and what they are planning for the year. I have loads of personal goals this year and I am trying to make my way through it. Though it will take time and it might be tough, I know that unless and until I take it one step at a time, I might be a lot behind than what I imagined myself at the end of this year!
Here’s hoping we all do well in 2012 and always! 🙂
Everything happens one step at a time, as you’ve said. Before diving into everything on your list, make sure that all those goals support your values and what YOU want your life to look like, not what others expect or what you think you “should” be doing. If you havent’ already, enter your info in the box above to get a free copy of my ebook that will help sift, prioritize and organize your loads of goals.
Have an awesome 2012!!
Paige, I love this. I would love to say at the end of this year that my life was resourceful, giving, and passionate. This is my stride for the year! Great to connect with you!
Thanks Bryan! Those are some great intentions, great ways of being every day. Great connecting with you as well!
My 3 are:
FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very informative blog post! I found you through Angela on FB (Powered by Intuition) and thought I’d pop over and say hello!
As for goals… I make little ones to get me to medium ones and then to big ones. Does that make sense? It does in my head.
Have a great day, and it’s nice to find your blog!
Welcome! Thanks for visiting and commenting! I totally understand what you mean about your small to medium to big goals. I like to refer to the small ones as baby steps and nothing big happens without a whole lot of baby steps. Vrooooom!!!
So interesting that i have already many of the articles that you mention here. I’m on a path of self discovery. Of making the world a better place one conscious choice at a time. That is for sure.
What’s come up clearly for me in the last couple of days… I am connected to everything. It’s is a matter of how I react, what I do with it that not only makes the difference for myself but for all those around me as well.
Aloha wags!
Bravo to you Jt! Everything we do, regardless of how big or small, is done one choice at a time. We can’t control much except for our reactions and that makes all the difference in the world. Every reaction is a choice, whether we stop to notice it or not.
“to be myself” would be my words
my next baby step – get off the computer and sleep. stop pushing myself to read all the blogs i want to. enough for today 🙂
good night!
Noch Noch
Being yourself is a big one! It has taken me a while to realize how much I wasn’t doing that. Once you get comfortable enough with yourself to truly be yourself, life seems to flow much more easily.
There are just too darn many good blogs out there. I also frequently find myself at all hours reading online.
Hope you had a restful night, Noch Noch.
Paige, Thanks for helping one of my readers out with your comments. (Attitude post 1/16/12). I wanted you to know that she is a regular contributor and emailed me to say she was touched that you cared enough to comment. I think in this case a “woman’s touch” was needed and you provided it.
Thank you Stephen! Before I comment on other blogs, I usually review the other comments to see how I can help and support others. That’s what this whole thing is really about for me. We’re all put on this earth to help others in some way. It’s our job to figure out our particular passions and skills and utilize them for that purpose.
I like the idea of baby steps that you mention. I feel a lot of us try to take on too much and get overwhelmed and quit. For some of us it is such a pattern we are use to it and see no way to “soar” (as your boss may have thought of you). I know for me I have decided this year I am doing daily resolutions not annual ones. I picture this rolltop desk in my mind and every morning I open it and decide what little thing I will focus on today. My favorite so far has been to pamper myself. But there are ones not so pleasant. LOL Thank you for this post and I couldn’t of pick any better blogs than the ones you shared with us. That says a lot about you paige. Keep this great blog going. I appreciate it and so do so many others!
Thank you so much Stephen! Daily resolutions are a great idea! As is the resolution to pamper yourself. I tend to get so wrapped up in getting my to-do’s done and put pampering too low on my lists. Thanks for the reminder to bump it up on the list!
Hi Paige,
Thank you for sharing an excellent article with so many resources.
I really enjoy your posts and believe you’ll do great things in 2012 and beyond.
I think I could use to be more “bold” in the coming year.
My goal is to develop my blog to be a safe place where people can find information, resources and solutions.
I would like to raise awareness about mental health and addictions issues.
I’m so grateful for people like you that are using their gifts and talents in the service of others.
It is possible to live your dreams and help others too.
Wishing you many blessings and success,
Thank you Neseret! You’re doing wonderful things on your blog as well. The beauty, compassion and support you spread can only come back to you many, many times.
I believe your boldness is apparent already.
Thanks MIke! That’s a great intention to set for the new year!
Funny how so many people wonder why their lives never change yet they never stop to notice that their auto pilot is flying them around in the same circles.
Have an awesome 2012!!
Thank you for the insightful post. Right now, I am doing one of the things that I need to do more of. Actually writing down the comments that I make on blogs that I read. I frequently think, “Wow what a great post!”, but don’t communicate it often enough.
Living More Intentionally would be my three-word phrase for 2012. I am often surprised at how much I travel through life on auto pilot.
Thank you for the reminder to turn off the auto pilot and take the wheel of my life.