We all know how focusing on the things that we’re grateful for can turn around a negative mood but have you made this a daily practice?
I started my own version of this practice years ago in the form of The 10/10 Exercise. Each day I write at least ten things for which I’m grateful. I try to write about ten different things each day so the practice doesn’t become a rote exercise and to ensure that I notice more of the wonderful people and things in my life.
After putting myself in a great mood writing about things I’m grateful for, I follow it by writing at least ten things that I want to attract into my life. These can be things I want to accomplish that day or week or bigger picture outcomes that may take longer. By writing these things with my positive energies flowing, they are much more likely to happen.
Today I thought I would share with you some of the many things that have appeared on my gratitude list. I hope these things might spur your imagination, get you to notice things in your own life you might be ignoring and inspire you to create a little more magic in your life. Slow down a little today and see, smell, taste, hear and feel some of the things you’ve been missing. Find inspiration by noticing the infinite beauty in the everyday things all around you.
Be grateful if you have eyes to see these things, a nose to smell them, ears to hear them, a mouth to taste them, hands to touch them and a heart to feel them. And if you don’t have any of these senses, be grateful for the different perspective you have on the world because of it.
The petals of a flower
The eyelashes of a baby
The smell of a puppy
The rainbow of colors in a sunrise and sunset
The unconditional love of our four-legged friends
The sassy people in our lives who tell us what we really need to hear
Big hugs
Passionate kisses
The lessons we learn and take to heart from difficult relationships
Understanding the power of our own intuition
A steaming cup of tea
A quiet place to meditate
Hot showers
Seeing the gifts that show up in our life from aligning with our purpose
All that we have already accomplished in our lives
Moving daily with a great yoga practice
Walks in the woods feeling the breeze and listening as it works its way through the trees
The brilliant colors of the leaves in the fall
The bright greens of new buds in the spring
Learning to let go and let our children be their unique selves
The lessons we learn from our children
Cuddling in bed with our wee ones
A good night’s rest
Fleece sheets
Learning to embrace a new life
Seeing the results of commitments we’ve made to ourselves
Business and marketing advice from knowledgeable friends
Having money in the bank
Knowing that we are not that annoying, little voice in our heads
Realizing that our big, hairy goals start with a simple action taken today
Knowing that we’re capable of anything that we decide to do
The bold steps we’ve taken in life after overcoming the fears that used to control us
The lessons we learn and the people we become from caring for others
The happiness in our lives and knowing that more happiness is only a decision away
Having an amazing partner who has stuck with us through all of our issues
A beautiful home
The warmth and hypnotic lapping of flames in a fire
Eating lunch on the front porch and enjoying the scenery
The infinite flavors of each bite of delicious, healthy food
The sweet burst of flavor when we bite into a fresh, organic berry
A warm bowl of oatmeal in the morning
Plenty of fresh water
An abundance of tasty foods
All the friends and family who have supported us throughout our lives
Finally getting comfortable in your own skin and living life on your own terms
Knowing that we’re OK just the way we are
Beauty and inspiration are everywhere…
What’s on your gratitude list today?
Visit my Recommended Resources page where I post the latest list of books, programs, and products that I’ve found to be particularly helpful in growing your mindfulness and meditation practices.
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
I am very grateful to God that he gives this beautiful body to me today and its working absolutely fine. I saw people with no hands,legs or lungs etc and feel very grateful to God every day.
A fantastic blog post! I am so grateful for my daily affirmations routine, it has helped kept me sane and helped me to stay positive during this incredibly tough period of our lives. Thank you for writing this.
How I love such articles, open, adorable! Thank you all for sharing your experiences! It really helps those who need help, including me. Today on my list of thanks will be people with whom I communicate very little, but whom I love madly. This is my sister, my family. First of all, I would like to thank myself. No, it’s not selfish, it’s just that everything that happens around me: mistakes or victories, everything depends only on me. I want to thank myself for not stopping.
This is such a high vibration list Paige! The first step in healing is indeed being in a state of gratitude daily…so this is such a lovely reminder.
xoxo, Z~
Thank you Zeenat! Gratitude has changed my life for the so-much-better!
What a lovely feeling to read the post again and scroll down the comments. I felt a deep sense of nostalgia. In 2014, i started the Gratitude Circle bloghop to rope in more people to join me in celebrating what they are grateful for and it’s still growing strong today.
I make a daily list and find that when I go back and read, the littlest things make me the happiest and bring the biggest smiles.
I couldn’t agree with you more, Vidya! Just today I put on my list: my daughter’s beautiful eyes and the loving way she looks at me. I love the idea of your Gratitude Circle! The world would be a better place if everyone practiced a little daily gratitude.
I’ve found that choosing gratitude throughout the day is a huge boost in my vibration Paige. The more times I can say ‘thank you’ the easier my life flows. So have a gratitude list makes a lot of sense to me, especially if I like to keep my vibrational energy as high as possible.
I love that you mentioned saying ‘thank you’ throughout the day as a practice, Elle. Before I had kids, I had time to write pages of things I was grateful for each day. With babies and little ones running around, that time disappeared for a while. My practice changed from writing a few things to saying ‘thank you’ to myself or out loud as often as I could.
It’s a sunny day: Thank you! That beautiful flower appeared in front of me: Thank you! I got the green light through multiple intersections: Thank you! I did this every day, and, I completely agree with you, it raised my vibration. Thanks Elle!!
Paige what an amazing list- yes so often when we are writing out our gratitude we forget the small things like the petals etc , thank you. You have inspired me to simplify my daily Gratitude journaling xxoo
Thanks Suzie! Like the flower petals, yesterday my list included “living in the mountains so that the night stars are so much brighter and amazing to marvel at.” Mindfulness helps us to pause, look around and notice all the amazing things that constantly surround us.
This is such an important point: “I try to write about ten different things each day so the practice doesn’t become a rote exercise and to ensure that I notice more of the wonderful people and things in my life.” Because it can become a rote practice. I write down one thing I’m grateful for each day in my planner, a very modest practice compared to yours. I think I need to up my game. I also want to have a heart-felt experience of gratitude each time.
That heartfelt experience is so key to bringing in more happiness, Sandra. Thank you for pointing that out.
After trying out James Altucher’s ten ideas each day for a year, I know that I’ve got many more ideas in me when I push for more. When I had the time (before having kids), I would sometimes cover pages in my journal of things I’m grateful for. Once I got on a roll, it was hard to stop.
Gratitude does change everything. I was just telling my son this last night and pointing out some things on your list!
It’s amazing how such a seemingly small daily practice can change your life. It did for me! Thanks for sharing this with your son Debbie!
List 10 positive things in my life:
1. The encouragement I receive from people around me, they do not give up on me.
2. When my children look at me, smile and spontaneously tell me they love me.
3. Getting a good night’s sleep – this is one that I really appreciate at the moment.
4. I love the things I have, but if I lost it all tomorrow, I would be happy with just my family around me – this I know because I lost almost everything including our home and most of our belongings in the Christchurch Earthquakes.
5. Even on my bad days, I can find things to be grateful about, and something to smile about.
6. I love my two cats, I am so glad to have them in my life.
7. I love when my kids hop in bed with me for snuggles in the morning, it’s not as often now as they get older, but it is something I have enjoyed for 22 years!
8. The feeling of running into cool water at the beach after running through the hot sand.
9. Swimming out into the ocean and looking at the horizon with my back to the shore, I love that when I am floating like this I feel just right – and at peace.
10. Doing a back flip over a huge wave in the water.
Awesome list Jeanne! Given what you’ve written, I’m guessing that you can think of hundreds more things to be grateful for. After having a gratitude list practice for a while, it becomes easier and easier to see all the wonderful things around us all the time – even on those bad days.
Amazing gratitude list! Thanks for sharing it with the world… there are things I consciously never thought of before! I’m definitively going to expand my gratitude journal starting right now!
Once you get into the gratitude habit, you’ll never run out of things to be grateful for. Even when life seems to suck, we’re always surrounded by the most amazing things.
Paige, these are some absolutely delightful tips for being grateful. And thank you for the shout-out.
Gratitude is one of those things that is continually challenging. Not that we don’t have all these things to feel grateful for, but I feel like living that gratitude out should be evident in my patience, and I admittedly don’t always live that out very well. 🙂
I know what you mean, Bryan. Just yesterday I wrote “SLOW DOWN” at the top of my accountability sheet that I keep on the fridge to remind me to breathe and stay in the moment instead of worrying about all that I’m not doing in the moment. Reminding myself that I can only do one thing at a time and to be OK with that.
I laughed out loud when I got home last night. My 5 year old daughter, who is learning to read and write, copied what I wrote onto a post-it and stuck it to the cabinet where I keep my tea – the next best place to remind me. Kids are out best teachers.
that’s quite a list. I’m simply grateful that i’m alive today 🙂
Noch Noch
And that’s the ultimate gift. Thank you Noch Noch!
Love the 10/10 idea. The last year I have been practicing gratitude more than ever and this is a wonderful way to start the day. I’ve also been writing first thing in the morning as well instead of checking e-mail or or facebook.
Today I have gratitude for my introduction to you and getting to share in your thoughts.
Thank you Jt! And I’m extremely grateful for getting to know you as well. You’re an amazing person!
I’m still working on writing in the morning. I know how much it would help me. I’m just trying to figure out how to keep the kids busy long enough to get a few words out. 🙂
Paige, I appreciate your sharing here, and to add to it: I’m grateful that, even though I’m not feeling so great this morning, I have the freedom and flexibility to stay in bed when I need to! 😉 It makes a big difference.
That’s a huge one Caroline! I’ve worked in offices where everyone felt compelled to be at their desk no matter how they felt. That’s usually how the colds and flu would spread around the office and everyone’s homes. Everyone should have the flexibility to stay home when they need to. That’s definitely something to be grateful for. Hope you feel better soon!!
I love Gratitude lists – I keep a gratitude journal by my bedside and write down what I’m grateful for before I close my eyes – I like the 10/10 list you share with us – I will start that practice too – great idea!
Living in an attitude of gratitude makes life so much more beautiful!
In gratitude,
I love the idea of keeping your gratitude list next to your bed. That way you go to sleep with those sweet thoughts in your head. Bet you have wonderful dreams!
i am grateful for being around my family
thank you pagie , i am grateful for you as well 🙂
Thank you very much Farouk! Family is everything!
I’m grateful for exactly what I have.
How perfect! Then you’ll continue to receive much more!
Today on my gratitude list… just breathing in & out 🙂
And sometimes that’s all we need. Thanks Therese!
Paige, you said it all for us. Thank you.
Wonderful compilation of ideas – but what I would add to my gratitude list for today is hot, cooked food!
Having been on almost a weeks Green Juicing Fast and having survived on 3 or less juices a day, I am SO looking forward to a hot soup tonight:-)
Congratulations Arvind! It takes a lot of will power to stick to a juice fast. Your body will thank you with lots of extra energy! Enjoy your soup!
This is fabulous! I think when we are grateful we open the door for more things to be grateful for to enter our lives!
Exactly Angela! And you are definitely someone I’m extremely grateful for having in my life. You’re incredible!
I really enjoyed reading this today!
Gratitude is one of my favorite topics and favorite practices. I love the idea of challenging yourself to write about 10 different things each day!
Another challenge I’ve enjoyed is writing an A-Z gratitude list, coming up with as much gratitude as possible for every letter of the alphabet. This is particularly fun when done in a group!
Today I’m grateful for:
1. A morning full of possibility
2. Taking a few minutes for myself every morning
3. Getting energized & inspired by new-to-me blogs
4. The calming ticking of a clock
5. The softness and warmth of fuzzy socks
6. Beautiful colors all around me- greens, purples, reds & blues
7. Finding peace within this moment
8. Sitting near a window
9. Confidence
10. Being happy for today
That’s a beautiful list Chrysta! It’s recognizing and appreciating all those wonderful little things that adds up to a wonderful life. Thank you for sharing your list!
Hi Paige,
My refrigerator is on my gratitude list today. I remember when we were young, broke, and our refrigerator quit working. Not good. I like to be grateful for things we take for granted. Have a great week!
Perfect Tess! Many years ago when I lived in a tent for a couple months in the mountains in Wyoming for outfitting school, I became very grateful for many things we take for granted. Sometimes it takes living without to realize what we have.
What a beautiful list! And what a clever and wonderful way to include so many people in your list. In the last few days my gratitude list for yesterday would include:
a hot tub, hot delicious coffee, my health, the supportive people around me (both in the blogging world and at home), the creativity that sparks, and really blue skies!
Gotta love those blue skies, sunrises and sunsets in Colorado! I would share the rest of your list as well. Love the pictures in your latest post!
Thanks for the link love, Paige! I do a daily gratitude practice and love any chance to amp it up 🙂 On my list today is that I woke up well rested, am spending the day out with mom and aunt, grateful for an amazing network of colleagues and friends incl new ones like you, signs from the Universe, confidence, happiness, sunshine, protein shakes, my travels, spirituality, parents, books, and … I’d better go get ready! xo, Tia
Love your list Tia! Like you, most days I have a hard time stopping at just 10. When I have the time I can go for pages. Ain’t life awesome!!
Paige: I love, love, love this post and the practice of regularly remembering and writing what you are grateful for. I really appreciated what you said about it allowing you to see bigger picture outcomes. That is such an important thing to do. Thanks for letting us take a glimpse into your beautiful mind:)
Thank you Sibyl!
It’s my hope that, by opening up and telling my story – hairy warts and all – I can help others get past issues and live a much happier life.
This is awesome advice Paige! When you take the time to be deliberately grateful, you raise your whole vibration, which allows more of the stuff you want in. And then, if you focus on what you want while in the state of gratitude, you add more energy to that which you want and speed up the manifestation. I love your list!
I’ll ad one more: I’m grateful I found your blog. 🙂
Thank you so much Melody!
You obviously know all about how the Law of Attraction works! I, too, am very grateful for finding your blog. I love your openness and willingness to truly be yourself. It seems that once I started doing that myself, things started shifting for me with “coincidences” opening doors for me everywhere. I feel like I’m finally on the right path!
Excellent post! By focusing on the positive your life becomes positive. This one really is a home run!
Exactly Dave! What we focus on most grows.
Thanks for commenting!
Paige….WOW…this post really grabbed me. In the short time I’ve known you, I know that you’ve worked hard to get where you are today and continue to do the work.
I love you 10/10 exercise. I’ve done gratitude lists…but this is a new and inspiring way to make it a part of my day. With gratitude:) Fran
P.S. Loved the list with the links…(couldn’t find mine) LOL
Thanks Fran!
You’re actually in the second to last paragraph before the list (“inspire you to create”).
The 10/10 Exercise has been pretty powerful for me. Gets me going when I really need it.
Inspiring and beautiful list Paige.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Thank you Alex! You continue to inspire as well!
Every moment we live is something to be grateful about. Everything else is icing on the cake of life. Your list is so lyrically sweet, I feel like setting it to music.
I am bookmarking this to read, every once in a while. My Happiness jar project is something similar. Each time one of us at home feel happy about something, we write it on a slip of paper and put it in the Jar. When we started doing this, I was thrilled to see the jar fill up quickly. While we appreciate everything – it is when we consciously do it that we feel its true worth.
Great list, Paige!
What a beautiful practice Vidya! I know that just looking at a Happiness Jar full of paper would make me smile.
Hey Paige,
Gratitude is a wonderful thing to experience and savour isn’t it? Only problem is, we don’t remember to do it often enough. Gratitude isn’t taught as ‘cool’ or ‘practical’, and it certainly doesn’t get us external success, so the main opinion is that it isn’t worth spending our time on.
But in our quests for eternal success and recognition, it’s worth realising that the one thing that will help de-stress ourselves and grant us even a moment’s peace, is being grateful for the simple pleasures of life. The simple things of life that don’t require effort on our behalf to achieve. They’re already there, waiting for us to be aware of them.
Great post Paige 🙂
Thanks Stuart!
We’re trained to believe that we have to work so hard for the good stuff in life. While hard work has its place, there’s so much simple beauty all around us to lift us up and move us in our desired directions. Like you said, these things are waiting for us to be aware of them.
Hey Paige,
You actually made the gratitude list for us! There are so many things you mention here it is hard to add really 🙂
For me, I would have to say : having my lovely parents nearby, having the most beautiful of friends, having a roof over my head, knowing that help is just a call away, having peace of mind, and the belief that even if things might go wrong, I will work it out. Or at least I will try!
Thanks for this! You reminded me to be a lot more thankful! 🙂
Thank you Hajra!
You’ve made some wonderful additions to the list! And thank you so much for adding me to your list!
Hi Paige,
I love how your words flow through your gratitude list. It feels like poetry. The unconditional love of our four-legged friends and Learning to let go and let our children be their unique selves jumped out at me, but they are all wonderful.
I’m in Mexico right now and took a day trip out to the country to see some pools and a waterfall. We passed many small rancheros which were amazing, but definitely a hard life. I was telling my husband tonight how grateful I am that we have our home and can enjoy the comforts that many in the world never experience. I am always grateful for just having the basics.
Thank you Cathy!
Your trip to Mexico reminds me of a trip I took to Costa Rica. I befriended some of the locals who were so proud of their small shacks and humble possessions. While many of us would consider them to be “impoverished,” they were quite happy with their condition. It made me truly understand how little we really need in terms of stuff and how much we have to be grateful for in terms of people and relationships. We’re all pretty blessed.