Today I’m feeling grateful for gratitude.
In the craziness of my days with three little kids, I’ve been more than challenged to maintain my 10/10 exercise. Instead of fighting the many interruptions I’ve been facing when I attempt to sit and write what I’m grateful for in the mornings, I’ve changed my practice a bit.
And that’s what we need to do with our practices so they continue to serve and support us as we evolve.
Instead of writing ten new things that I’m grateful for each day, I’ve made it a point to look up and look around at various times throughout my day and simply notice. Then I feel the wonder and beauty of everything I notice and I send it a gentle, loving “Thank you!”
While anytime is a good time to do this, the best time is when I’m feeling any kind of negative feelings. Taking the focus off my issues and focusing on the awesomeness that surrounds me turns those negative feelings around every time.
Below is a sample of the awesomeness that I notice each day. I hope this list inspires you to slow down, take a deep breath and take in the wonder that’s always there for you.
My Daily Gratitude
Waking up next to my little ones in a big, comfy bed and melting into their angelic little faces as they sleep
Morning stretches that help me come alive
Hot chai and slow-cooked oatmeal
Hugs, kisses and “I love you’s” with everyone as they wake up
Sitting on the porch with my family enjoying our favorite hot beverages
Keeping up with the different families of birds and deer that make their homes around our home
The cute names my kids give all the wildlife babies
Feeling the sun warm me up
Holding my husband’s hand
Feeling the warm breeze on my face and arms
Always being in awe of the amazing views of the woods and mountains that surround our home
Listening to the different birds sing throughout the day and night
The deep, rich blue of the sky
The beauty of the cloud formations as storms begin to brew
The smell of freshly fallen rain and the sound of the showers on the roof
Rainbows in the clouds after the storms have passed
How brightly the sun lights up everything outside at midday
The feel of the gravel under my feet when I walk barefoot outside
The visions that I keep alive of my ideal future
Being able to work from home, helping people and companies, while being there for my kids
Writing to express myself and help others
Having so many friends who support and encourage me
Being able to help others overcome challenges and move closer to their ideal lives
Exploring and learning with my kids: bugs, trees, birds, drawing, creating, summersaults, headstands, creating value and having fun
Having a husband with very similar values and views on life who continues to challenge me to grow and supports me along the way
Knowing that anything I can create in my mind I can also create in the “real world”
A yoga practice that I love that calms and centers me physically and emotionally
Protein shakes to energize and fill me up
Delicious dinners around the picnic table with my family as we tell funny stories
Having a drink with my husband under the stars as we talk about and envision our future together
Knowing that I’m enough
Acknowledging my own awesomeness
Being surrounded by totally awesome people like you
Thank you so much for being here.
What have you noticed today?
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
“Today I’m feeling grateful for gratitude.”
You must stop starting your posts with sayings like that. I have to stop for catching my breath again every time.
This time I rambled backwards, office chair and all.
You’ll have me on your conscience, you!
Lots of love from here, and now I’ll read the post. Allright?
Ah, I see.
I get to breathe today, too. Amazing. To breathe is sweeter than honey. Imagine the gift. Outrageous.
Few things are certain, but the love of my daughter and my wife seems to be.
God loves me (very much, and why I really don’t know. But I love Him dearly, best friend a guy could have)
(I never figured out which religion He belongs to, but I am to absent minded anyway to care much)
I finally found you guys (and many others)
Two cups of coffee in the morning and fresh water through the day.
Legs, eyes, ears, you know: The seven wonders of the World
And, most of all – by far – my gratitude towards life
Simple stuff for an overcomplicated guy. I’m cool with that. I am unlearning these years…
Funny how we take decades to make our lives all complicated and difficult, then we realize how silly that was and spend decades unraveling all of it.
I love your gratitude list Erik! Yes, it’s the simple things that are truly important.
I must say I’m grateful for you. We might meet one day, but we don’t even have to.
And I’m so grateful for you Erik. You’re wonderful!!
Those are simple things that can really make our day. I guess that we should all practice this; it will truly make a lot of difference in this materialistic world.
The simple act of noticing what we’re grateful on a regular basis for can literally change your life. Our lives are an accumulation of little things. Thanks for being here Lewis!
I love your list! I love when people make gratitude lists and I recognize the same things that I love, too! Looking forward to meeting… maybe sometime in late August? I’ve had such a wonderful and BUSY summer.
Let’s see… I’m grateful for my garden (esp. the vegetables), my sons, my husband’s love (25 years next week), my coffee, an incredible computer, potato chips, a cooler day with cloud cover and great blogging friends!
I love the things on your list too Betsy! Hopefully next year our garden will happen (too much going on for now).
Late August sounds great! We’ll have even more things to share on our gratitude lists.
Big Hugs!!
Wow Paige! I also imagine a life like yours in the future.. me and my wife are planning to start a family pretty soon. I wish I could also get up in the morning with al the kids and everybody around me… I seriously enjoyed this post!
Thanks for reminding me to add to my gratitude list, which I have ignored for a few weeks. Here is what I added today.
551. My old dog had a peaceful death
552. I loved her enough to miss her very much
553. Beautiful summer weather
554. Having talented people helping me publish my book
555. New seed guards around the bird cages
556. My youngest daughter mothering me!
557. New living possibilities for our family
558. A visit with my granddaughter
559. Wonderful neighbors
560. A clean house
561. Clean towels to go with the clean house
562. Friends coming for dinner
563. A new book to read
564. Eye drops that help my dry eyes
565. A generous tai chi teacher teaching me sword form I want to learn
566. Birds at the bird feeder
567. A travel opportunity for my daughter
568. A great discussion with my 10 Steps group about compassion
569. Realizing how much I’ve changed over recent years
570. And how much happier I am because of it
Those are some beautiful additions, Galen! I love how your youngest daughter is mothering you. Although my daughters are still very young, I like to look for signs of how they’re mothering (with their dolls and our animals) to see how they’re reflecting my mothering of them. Always something to learn from them regardless of how young they are!
Thank you so much for sharing what you’re grateful for here!
Big Hugs!!
I do the same Paige. With different words, sometimes I notice the blessing of abundance, sometimes sheer joy or beauty. When in my car I’m always on the lookout for something wonderful…and strangely enough I often find it.
Beautiful post. Love it.
We always find what we’re looking for, Elle. And it’s so wonderful when you look for wonderful things! Thank you so much!!
Big Hugs!!
i’m trying to practise gratitude too, but my level of gratitude remains on the mind level and doesn’t yet sink in to the core of my being. perhaps i’ve been detached for too long. do you have any tips on how to let gratitude pervade your whole being?
I know how you feel. It took me many years to even realize I had feelings and emotions. It took another good, long time before I felt safe acknowledging them and letting them out. It’s a process that can’t be pushed along. Go at your own pace.
Start where you are and don’t judge yourself or compare yourself to others. We’re all on our own unique paths. Consider starting a daily practice of thinking about or writing what you’re grateful for, even if you feel it’s at the mind level. The only way we progress with anything is to practice on a regular basis. Baby steps will get you there.
Each day, put something different on your gratitude list so it doesn’t become a rote exercise and so you push yourself to see more people and things for which you can be grateful. Progress may feel slow but you’ll be moving from your head to your heart faster than you could imagine. A daily practice in anything can move mountains.
Big, Big Hugs!!
The beautiful deep sea in front of me everyday as I wake and as I go to sleep – BLISS!
The ever changing tides that go along with the ocean.
My breath
My I AM Statements every morning
Having a man that adores me for who I am
Have 2 children that are grown into beautiful adults
My belief in GOD
My LOVE for humankind
The coffee in the morning
New business
My financial freedom
The list goes on and on my friend,
Thank you for allowing us the space to write,
I love your list Nancy! Maybe we should all put together a separate blog where we can share what we’re grateful for on a regular basis. 🙂
My list barely scratched the surface of the things I’m grateful for and that list grows every day.
You’re beautiful!!
A perfectly awesome and awesomely perfect post, Paige!
I woke up this morning thinking of how grateful I am that you’ve become a part of my life. My plan was to write and thank you, and here we are!
Your list is wonderful and inspiring. For me lately, the green of leaves connects me over and over to the amazingness of life. Namaste,
Mary Carol
You’re totally awesome, Mary Carol!
Since our last talk, I’ve been noticing how much more the trees, clouds, grass and everything around me seems to shine on its own. As do you.
Big Hugs!!
Paige….You’re singing to the choir. I think of it as ‘praying with your eyes’. The magnificence of being on this earth…connected to and feeling love for everything…even a stone…can be experienced several dozens of times a day. We just need to open our hearts and ‘wake up’. A wonderful list. You’ve inspired me. xxoo-Fran
Thank you Fran!
I love the concept of “praying with our eyes.” Both the miraculous and the mundane can get us to wonder at their magnificence if we’re open to it.
Big Hugs!!
Ah, a post so close to my own heart – because I believe in the little things adding up to my happiness. Beautiful post – and so lyrical to my ears!
Hugs! I love you.
Thank you Vidya! I can feel how much your life is filled with beauty, love and happiness! Love you!
Wonderful Paige,
I like to “look around”…just look& take it in…and I say “thankyou” several times per day. Thankyou.
be good to yourself
Thank YOU David! Big Hugs!!
I’m thankful for my family, friends, and passion. 🙂
And all the awesome places your passion has led you, Glori. You’ve only just begun!