Over the past few months, I’ve felt stuck.
As some of you recall, I abruptly lost my job in August. I’ve been using all that I know about manifesting and the Law of Attraction to create my next opportunity, knowing that something awesome was waiting for me.
I’ve seen how quickly these things can work and have felt frustrated that nothing was happening for me.
No matter what I did, I was hitting brick walls.
I looked deep inside myself and knew that I didn’t have fears of failure or success or the usual blocks that keep us from reaching our potential. I knew there was something inside me holding me back but couldn’t figure it out.
Until now.
Heeding the Call
Earlier this week I pulled out my very old (cassette) version of Tony Robbins’ Personal Power II program. I think this was one of the first programs I bought when I started to delve into personal development.
The Universe told me in no uncertain terms to pull it off the shelf, dust it off and start listening. Forget about the other dozen audios I’ve downloaded recently.
Have I mentioned how you should always heed those calls from the Universe, aka your True Self?
Earlier this week I was driving around running errands as I was listening to the program. At the end of each tape, Tony has an exercise for you to do. As we all know, programs are of little value if you don’t follow the exercises and implement them into your life.
The exercise on the tape I was listening to called to me. I pulled over to write it down and start thinking about it. At first, I thought I would do the exercise when I got home. My True Self reminded me that it’s craziness with the kids when I get home. I thought I would do it after the kids went to bed but I’m frequently very tired by then.
Knowing how important this exercise could be, I pulled into a Starbucks and, mango smoothie in hand, started doing the exercise. The words and ideas flowed out of me.
My Life Will Never Be the Same
When I was done and read and absorbed all I had written, I felt a huge shift. From the deepest part of my core, I felt that I had finally put my finger on what was holding me back. I had this amazing feeling of positive energy running throughout my body.
I knew that nothing would be the same from that point on.
When I got home there were three voice messages from recruiters who wanted to speak further with me. The next day I received an email from another company to set up an interview. The following day I received another call from a different recruiter.
I had unlocked the block inside myself and almost instantly the results changed. Weird but true.
I’m very happy to report that the interview I had yesterday ended with an offer before I even got home. And when I got home I had another email from an HR director wanting to set up a phone interview and someone on elance.com specifically asking me to bid on their project.
So what happened? What kind of revelation did I experience when Tony Robbins joined me at Starbucks? (By the way, Tony has lots of great free resources on this page.)
Our Lizard Brains Do Strange Things
His exercise got me to see that I had falsely believed that someone close to me would judge me harshly for being successful again. Many years ago I had experienced anger and resentment from this person when I was at a job I loved, making some really good money. The anger and resentment didn’t come from my job or income. It came from how my completely un-enlightened self treated that person at the time (not well at all).
I saw how my subconscious mind was scared of re-creating old conflicts, despite the fact that everyone involved in those old conflicts has experienced some serious personal growth. All the circumstances have changed but my lizard brain was trying to protect me in its own primitive way.
Once I saw these false perceptions and shined some very bright lights on them, they disappeared. I could feel the difference. I could feel the weight lifted.
Instead of wanting changes in my life very badly but feeling held back from achieving them somehow, I felt a huge surge of positive energy around them. Sitting there at Starbucks by myself, I couldn’t help but smile a great, big smile.
I knew my life was about to change in a big way.
At this point, you’re probably asking what the heck the exercise was that caused such a huge shift. Here it is:
Simple Steps
- Write down four actions that you’ve been wanting to take but have felt held back – things you’ve been procrastinating on, things you feel you should do but just can’t make them happen. Then, for each action, write the following:
- All the pain you associate with taking that action. This could be the time it might take, how you think others will respond, how it might shake up your life or comfort zone. Write down everything you can think of then pause and think even more deeply. How does that feel to you?
- All the pleasure you’ve gotten from not following through or taking action. Regardless of how warped it may sound, there’s a payoff for us for doing or not doing things in our lives that are in our best interest. Don’t judge yourself here. Just get it all out.
- What will it cost you if you don’t take this action? What will your life look like in two, five or ten years if you don’t change or take this action? What will it do to your self-image, self-esteem, relationships, money? Feel this pain deeply.
- What will you gain by taking this action? How will your life be better? Think about the impact this action will have on every aspect of your life. How does all that feel to you?
Being the analytical person that I am, I drew a table on a blank piece of paper and labeled the columns: Action, Pain from Taking Action, Pleasure from No Change, Pain from No Change, Pleasure from Taking Action.
Two other critical aspects of this exercise are:
- If you really want to make the change you’re talking about, it has to be a MUST for you. You have to create emotional leverage for yourself.
- As you uncover limiting thoughts, beliefs and associations, you need to interrupt them and break the connections. Then you need to create new, positive associations.
For example, when I saw and felt the old association of doing well at work and being judged negatively, I saw its absurdity compared to the current situation. I created a picture of the old belief and literally exploded it. I saw and felt it blown to smithereens. And, as soon as I experienced that explosion, I associated the change I wanted to make with all the wonderful things that will happen and all the great feelings I associate with those wonderful things.
Now, when I think about the changes I want (like finding an awesome job I love, where I’m making a lot of contribution and being paid well), I feel how easy it is. I see and feel all the happiness and benefits it brings into my life. Simply stated, when I think of the change, I feel great at my core. The “yeah, but’s” and hesitations and tightness are all gone.
Try this exercise for yourself. Go deep. Go past the limits you’ve put on yourself in the past on what you’ll allow yourself to think about and feel.
True change comes from shining a light on those scary fears and watching them melt away.
I know you can do this! Tell me all about your experiences and results in the comments below!
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
Everybody wants to have more abundance and live an easy and comfortable life, but not all people manage to accomplish it. Although working hard and doing everything you possibly can to get closer to your goals is necessary…
Hi Paige.
What a coincidence! My true self was talking to me and led me to your post.
I’m a beliver in manifestation and the power of the mind.
I’ve read Awaken The Giant Within, the whole way through (done some of the exercises) and just started reading again with the intention of actually doing every exercise and following through.
I’ve had problems with some family members essentially all my life but it’s been extra bad for many years recently, until a couple of days ago, where I cut the contact so I can move on.
So, sitting here by the computer, at work, at lunchtime, I got the idea “What if i google ‘Tony robbins changed my life” and get some insights on how it helped others?
The search results pop up and your post is on it.
Your title “How he got me past my blocks” intrigued me and I clicked through.
I read your post and the section on the lizard brain resonated with me.
Reading further, my mind was blown.
You bolded the paragraph “I knew my life was about to change in a big way.”
And then you reveal the exercise: The EXACT exercise where i put my bookmark this morning. Which I’m going to do after work today!
THANK YOU! Thank you for sharing your experience.
I know this “coincidence” is a message to me and I will take notice.
Tonight, I will read your post again before doing the exercise.
Best regards, Victor
What an awesome story Victor! The Universe is working its magic on you. I’m wishing you all the best with your exercise and the amazing impacts it will have on your life!
Hi Paige,
Wow! You have the best example here of the Law of Attraction and sometimes it is also about how we handle challenges. It may start by practicing mind clarity then visualize what you want to do or to become. Lastly, feel how the universe helps you… like your phone calls with their offers.
I always remember the saying “Whatever you focus on, you get more of!”
Thanks Patricia! It’s the feeling part of the LOA that has challenged me in the past. I grew up where feeling or expressing feelings wasn’t safe and it has taken me a while to reverse that. Once I got past that hurdle, things have been flowing so much more easily. Sometimes I don’t realize it and I slip back, but once I focus on feeling the great feelings, the good stuff returns.
I just watched a great video from Brendon Berchard at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wkmj2H7zm6I where he talks about shifting our focus from our weaknesses and limiting beliefs (that will always be there) to the greatness, energy, aliveness and love that we have inside of us. Like you said: What you focus on grows. Focus on the great stuff no matter what’s happening.
Just what I needed. Today I have decided on a 6 week course and a change of career.
That’s a big decision Erik! Congratulations! Deciding is the first step. Keep us posted on how it’s going.
That is a powerful exercise. Isn’t it amazing that sometimes it just takes something that breaks us out of our thinking loop (I imagine a hamster on a wheel) so that we are open again to all the blessings coming our way. But really, it was hard to get past those gorgeous teeth in the photo!
Exactly Galen! Slowing down for a few minutes to get off the hamster wheel and examine my thoughts and hidden beliefs changed everything.
This is such good stuff, Paige.
I have felt similar blocks and brick walls and problems over the past few weeks. I knew what I needed to do, but somehow I just couldn’t get myself to take action. I was dreading it.
It was only after I had sit down with myself and really dug deep to figure out what belief kept me from moving forward that I made progress. And guess what: Now things seem to fall into place. The subconscious and the universe are such interesting things, right?
Wishing you all the best at your new job!
Thank you so much Iris! Our subconscious minds can so powerfully take us away from what we really want by secretly controlling our actions. I’ve very glad to hear that you were able to identify and clear those limiting beliefs! I find it amazing how things can feel so difficult for so long and then when we make some subtle shift in our thinking and feeling, everything seems to shift and flow and become easy.
Thanks! I’m having an exciting first week at my new job!
I am very happy to read this post, Paige! I always visualize you as successful in all that you do – yet sometimes temporary glitches can create a haze around what we are meant to see. I am very glad the Universe conspired to make things happen for you. That’s a wonderful exercise – I have a rudimentary version of it – you know my T-chart exercise.
Big hugs – and can’t wait to show you off in my brrrrand new place
Love, Vidya
Thank you Vidya! Yes, it’s usually us getting in our own way. How I wish the subconscious mind was a little clearer and more logical in how it worked. 🙂
Can’t wait for our post on your new site!
Big Hugs!!
What a treat for me to read this. I am THRILLED for you. Isn’t it amazing how at the right time, when we are ready, angels come to our aid. For you, it was your intuition telling you to return to Tony Robbins’ tapes ~
I identify with thinking you have dealt with certain stuck places and your life only to find that there are others or variations on the same theme that are keeping you in a self defeating cycle.
I’m not surprised that I had the same ‘ah ha’ moment on my trip to Ecuador. My angel was one of the women with whom I had developed a bond. She caught me at a vulnerable moment and showed me how a behavior that I had made light of was working against. I NEVER saw it and had actually made a joke of it for years.
Once i saw it ~ BAM! It was an ‘OMG’ moment.
Reading your beautifully crafted words plus all of the exercises (which I will take the time to read when I get back in the saddle) has already made my day a satisfying one. xxoo-Fran
Thank you Fran! Yes, it seems like life is a big onion as we continually peel off the layers, only to find an infinite number of layers beneath. Like your friend in Ecuador, my husband has the ability to point out some of my behaviors and kindly show me how they aren’t serving me. Sometimes I resist but, after consulting with my True Self, realize that it’s an area that needs to change.
I loved reading about your adventures in the rainforest of Ecuador at http://www.gardeninggonewild.com/?p=22507. It reminds me of my adventures in the rainforest of Costa Rica. While it almost seems cliche to say that we need to save the rainforest, it’s absolutely true on many, many levels. Last night we watched Avatar again which certainly drives home the messages of the people of the rainforest. I almost can’t watch the devastation scenes.
Keep following your inner guidance and doing amazing things!
Big Hugs!!
Hi Paige,
Just came over from Twitter! I love the title, the story and you were right I was dying to see the exercise. I’m so happy it all turned out awesome for you. Life goes that way when we get out of our own way. Hugs to you and congrats in advance on your new and amazing job. xo
Thanks so much Tess! You’re so awesome! It’s amazing how strong those absurd, subconscious beliefs can be in holding us back from great things. As soon as I picked them out of my brain, it was like the floodgates of awesomeness opened. My monkey mind is trying to judge some of the outcomes as “less than perfect” but I know the Universe has amazing things in store for me. I’m waiting in anticipation of these great things unfolding.
Although I have to admit I was just a tad disappointed at first that this story didn’t involve you running into Tony Robbins at a Starbucks in Denver or something!
Ha! I wish! After listening to the goal setting tape in the program, I have put “meet with Tony Robbins (along with Oprah)” on my list of goals. His goal-setting concepts have also helped me to better understand why all my old goal-setting never worked. I’ve been on the “no goals” movement lately but that might be changing.
Amazing story Paige! Isn’t it interesting that the just right information shows up at the just right time – we just have to pay attention! And I love how these inner breakthroughs actually shift what happens in the outer world! Can’t wait to see how all this shakes out for you. Thanks for sharing the exercise!
Hi Paige,
Congratulations on getting that huge shift! How great that everything opened up like and door started opening for you.
I’ve never read anything by Anthony Robbins, but this exercise looks great. I definitely want to sit down and give it a go for myself. Thanks for sharing both your experience and the exercise!
Thanks so much Dave! I think a lot of people dismiss Tony Robbins because of how he has promoted himself over the years. But when you hear the stories of how tons of happy and successful people started, many of them started when they were at their lowest low and they started out by listening to Tony Robbins. Regardless of his marketing techniques, he has tons of amazing stuff out there. I listened to his old Awaken the Giant Within program just before I pulled out Personal Power II and had even more revelations.
Listening to things like this with a beginner’s mind can open the door to all kinds of enlightenment. Best wishes on your journey!
First of all, congratulations! I’m so happy for you! Thanks for sharing this exercise! I always like listening to Tony Robbins. I’m going to try this today on a little something I’ve been holding back on.
Just wonderful!
While I’ve had this tape program for years and I listened to it when I first bought it, I don’t remember all the treasures that it holds. It’s like when I first read Conscious Living by Gay Hendricks. It didn’t do much for me on the first reading but it changed my life a few years ago when I read it again.
Each tape of the Personal Power program has uncovered all kinds of nuggets for me. I’m hearing his messages very differently now given my experiences over the past few years.
My advice to everyone is to never get rid of books and programs like this. Re-experiencing them a few steps further along on our journeys can be so enlightening!
Thank you so much, Paige!
This suggestion may be just what I need to get past where I am. For me, I think the problem is more that what I think (in my brain) that I want isn’t exactly what I know (in my heart) is what I want. Convoluted sentence! Hope it makes sense… Answering these questions will help me articulate whatever it is that my Soul really wants.
There’s so much crazy energy zipping around right now, it’s like being on a cleansing purge that’s going really fast and you can’t opt out. Whew! and Yeah!
Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience. Whatever is excellent for you is coming in on a great big freight train. Go Paige!
Giant hugs,
Mary Carol
Thank you so much Mary Carol! I can feel the freight train coming! While I’m experiencing so much positive change, my monkey mind is doing it’s best to dress it down. Despite its annoying screeching, trying to create doubt about my decisions, in my core I know that the path I’m on is best for me and has all kinds of beautiful treasures and possibilities waiting for me.
Great Big Hugs!
Very exciting, Paige! I’m glad our calls to the Universe came at the same time. I’m still working through mine, but I feel better (literally and emotionally) about my progress. I realized that sometimes the answer takes a while, and I’m in no hurry. Or at least, I’m trying not to be. Sometimes spending time with your pain can not only be fruitful, it has it’s own enjoyment.
Can’t wait to hear how things go for you!
We’re both discovering a wonderful world waiting for us when we slow down and stop trying to be perfect and get “everything” done. Our aches and pains have so much wisdom for us when we choose to listen to them.
I’m very glad to hear that you’re feeling better all around. Life is definitely a journey – or is it an onion with infinite layers to peel away? Either way, I’m finally starting to enjoy more and stress less, knowing that the Universe has my best interest in mind.