What’s more important: spending focused, fun time with your kids or doing their laundry? Being there for your partner or cleaning the house? Taking care of yourself or running one more errand?
When you lay it all out in black and white, the answers seem obvious. But how do you live your life each day?
For the past few months (well, to be perfectly honest, most of my life), I’ve been leaning (more than I’d like to admit) toward the second part of each question. Instead of beating myself up about it like I used to, which never did any good anyway, I’m applying my ongoing mindfulness practice to it.
When my kids want me to spend time with them, and I respond with, “as soon as I finish the dishes/laundry/email/whatever,” I notice it with curiosity. There I go again. Then I ask myself, “What’s the worst that could happen if I stop what I’m doing and hang out with my kids?” Answer: nothing. So I spend time with my kids. And I watch my children’s eyes light up. And that’s the best reward I could imagine.
Work First. Fun Last.
I grew up in a house where all the chores had to be done and the house had to be spotless before we could play. Or else. And that’s how I’ve lived my life for decades since I left home.
For the many years I’ve been with my husband, I’ve erroneously interpreted things he has said and done as something my father would have said to me. I’ve told myself that my husband will be mad at me if I don’t get all my chores done before doing anything I enjoy.
Funny thing is, when I actually spoke to my husband about this, his true feelings couldn’t have been further from the truth. Once he saw where I was coming from, he would say things like, “The world isn’t going to end if you don’t clean the house today. Let’s go for a walk.”
My mindful self laughs whenever my monkey mind starts to take over again. Like when I cancel a massage appointment (again) because my monkey mind can’t seem to find the time for it.
Listen To the Whispers
Over the past few months, the pressure I’ve put on myself to “get it all done” has been too much and my body has been letting me know. I’ve had to make choices about what will and won’t get done, gently acknowledging that the world won’t end, and no one will really care if many of my “to do’s” don’t get done when I expected.
Since entering the next female rite of passage called perimenopause about a year and a half ago, my body has been sending me messages that it’s changing and I can’t keep demanding the same crazy pace from myself. Whenever I push myself too hard, I’m slapped down with a massive feeling of fatigue that I’ve never before experienced.
I keep trying to power through it, but I know I’m only doing myself more harm. I’ve been using work and wine to muffle the voice of my True Self that’s telling me to slow down and take better care of myself. From prior experience, I know that if I don’t listen to my body’s whispers, the whispers will get much louder until they have to whack me over the head with something serious. I’d rather avoid that.
Trying To Slow Down
One of the things I’ve not done for a while is write. I love to write and find it healing, but I chose not to make time for it because it didn’t seem “productive enough.” With my mind going a million miles a minute, sitting down to focus on something creative from my soul seemed almost impossible. I found myself coming up with a slew of excuses, the biggest one being that I was too tired.
I took a week off of work to try to slow down. I planned to write each day. Unfortunately, I spent most of that time doing chores and other work around the house along with checking email at work – just in case.
Near the end of that week, on my way back from taking out the trash, I stopped to untangle the hammock hanging under the trees in front of our house. As I started to walk away from the hammock, my True Self whispered to me, “You know, you didn’t put this hammock out here just so you could untangle it every now and then. Lie down and relax for a minute.” And I did. It was wonderful.
The past two weeks were busy again. I felt like I could barely keep my head above water. To take advantage of the three and a half hours of commute time I have each day, I listen to books and podcasts. Over these two weeks I listened to Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself by Dr. Lissa Rankin and Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers by Dr. David Perlmutter.
Mind Over Medicine is about how powerfully we can heal ourselves of both minor and chronic, life-threatening diseases. Grain Brain shows how our carbohydrate-dense diets are eroding our brains and killing us. Both have helped me to see how I can make lifestyle changes to improve my health, energy, and happiness.
Getting Back On Track
Today my husband gave me the gift of a quiet day at home alone. He said he would do it under one condition – that I “get some work done.” When he said that, my heart sank. My mind immediately defined “work” as one of the many home improvement projects that we’re in the midst of. Fortunately, he quickly clarified that “work” meant writing. I almost started to cry with joy.
He’s an abstract painter who has been putting projects ahead of his painting so he’s quite familiar with what I’ve been feeling. He knows how much I love to write. He knows that I have to see writing as an important job in order for me to prioritize it. So he helped me to do that today. He’s amazing.
Putting together the pieces of what I’ve learned or been reminded of over the past few weeks, I have a new plan for how to approach my day – a new plan to restore my energy and vitality and to approach each day more in line with how I feel physically, mentally and emotionally.
My underlying theme is ‘acceptance of how things are’ without trying to force things to be otherwise. My body and mind are changing. I can’t force them to be what they’ve been. It’s time to learn a new way of being.
Here’s my plan:
- Consciously notice the innumerable things I’m grateful for throughout my day.
- Write every day – before opening email.
- Significantly reduce the wheat and sugar in my diet.
- Increase my daily intake of veggies and good fats.
- Continue my yoga and meditation practices.
- Get a monthly massage.
- Walk most days.
- Focus more on the important people in my life and less on the chores and “to do’s.”
I’ve been thinking more about what I want my life to have meant to others when I’m gone. I think about the role model I’m being for my children. I think about how I can best offer my gifts to the world.
When I look at the big picture through these lenses, whether or not I get to “inbox zero,” have the dishes and laundry done or the house completely clean start to have much less significance.
Listening to my True Self and prioritizing from my values and heart are what really matters.
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
I love your plan! I look forward to reading more about it in the future. I, too, often put off writing and some art that I’m working on. And I, too, put off yoga as well. Thanks for your inspiration!
Thanks Betsy! Wondering if the younger generations share this issue.
It sounds as though you’ve found a new lease on life Paige. I totally recognize the syndrome of getting stuff done before fun and oftentimes instead of fun. A life with no balance will never be truly blissful and I applaud you for taking time of the daily chores to have fun with your children.
May you new choices in life bring greater joy and happiness and health. 🙂
They do that for me every day (as long as I don’t slip back into my old ways :)). Thanks so much Elle!
I tend to be a work first, play later kind of person too. So helpful to hear your story and how you are turning this around, Paige.
Thanks Sandra! I’m wondering if it’s a generational thing or societal belief that applies to all generations. Something to ponder…
I can so relate to this post. I suffer from the “get-it-all-done, work first, fun last” syndrome too. The problem is I end up having very little for the fun. Thanks for the reminders. I’m heading to yoga. That counts as fun, right! 🙂
Yes, yoga always counts for fun and great self-care! My youngest daughter, now 8, makes sure that we all have some fun in our days, regardless of the work on our to-do list. I learned very early on that “give me a couple minutes” doesn’t work with kids if you want them to feel heard and important. When she asks me to help her or play with her, in less than thirty seconds I drop what I’m doing to focus on her. It doesn’t take up a ton of my day and we’re both much happier for it.
You make some great points in your article. I have so much respect for you to be a mom, wife, work and take on a blog, and I’m sure there is much more. This is a great reminder to reflect on our lives and how we spend our time.
Thanks Cathy! When I think about what many parents take on and what they accomplish in a day, it seems almost super-human. When I look back at what I did when my kids were babies and toddlers, it feels impossible today. But we all do what needs to be done without considering how hard it is or if it seems impossible. There are simply no other options other than to do what needs to be done to ensure that our kids are getting the best care possible. We just need to ensure that we’re doing what’s best for ourselves and our families and not what makes other people happy or what we think we’re “supposed” to do.
Ahh inbox zero, that mythological creature we find ourselves eternally chasing. Haha! You bring up some great points that I can relate to. Sometimes I get so caught up with things in my business life and I give them too much value. When that happens I have to step back and prioritize things. Great post!
Thanks KW! Sometimes I have to re-read my own posts to remind myself of the importance of what’s really important.
Hi, what a great post. I like what you said that ” Listening to my True Self and prioritizing from my values and heart are what really matters”. I’ll keep this in mind, I guess it’s time to change my perspective and start listening to my own true self. Thanks for sharing .
Listening to your heart, your True Self, your intuition is something that we’re programmed to avoid but it’s the key to living a happy, authentic life. It’s not our job to make everyone around us happy. That’s actually impossible. It’s every individual’s job to make themselves happy. Then we all have the joy and happiness to spread around us.
Thanks so much for your comment Sherill!
Love that you are slowing down to move forward. I love your list for me i would add breathe and drinl water
I completely agree with you Suzie! I didn’t include those two on this list because I’ve already ingrained them into my day. I’ve noticed that as I focus on my gluten-free, low carb way of eating, I’m naturally drinking even more water – almost a gallon a day! A little deep breathing throughout the day is a must for keeping stress at bay. Hugs to you!!
Ohhhh I hear you on listening to the whispers girl! That is something I’ve been working on myself and thankfully seeing great results. Listening to whispers is waaaay better than waiting for the ole brick to the head action-lol! Thanks for this great article.
Thanks Melissa! Yes, it has taken a few “bricks on the head” for me to finally learn my lessons. One of the many benefits of aging is that life starts to get easier because we start to listen to the messages earlier on.
Thank you for the reminder to slow down and take care of the things that are truly important in our lives. I think you will relate to advice a friend recently told me: “Take care of your body, it is the only place you have to live here on earth.”
Keep on writing and posting! You have the gift.
Thank you John! I love your quote! Yes, our body is the only one we get so we better take good care of it. Without our health (my first value), it’s hard to focus on much else.
Have an awesome day!
Hi Paige, what a lovely post. Thank you. I’ve walked away with a new sense of enthusiasm and appreciation!
That’s awesome Chris! We all need a little boost sometimes.
Thanks so much!
Hi Paige! So glad to see you made the choice to write today. Not only was it good for your soul, it was a great reminder to many of the rest of us as well. It is, as you say, so very easy to get caught up in busy-ness and forget what is so important for our happiness. I’m finding it helpful to focus on what I consider to be essential in my life and I think you are saying something similar. Good luck on your plan and I look forward to seeing more posts in the future because of it! ~Kathy
Thanks so much for your support Kathy! That’s awesome that you, too, are focusing on what’s essential for you. The busy-ness bug can get the best of us!