“This is the essence of simplicity… to live with full awareness and with passion.” – Janet Luhrs, The Simple Living Guide
We read about simplifying our lives and decluttering and we get inspired to clean out a closet or the junk drawer in the kitchen or, if we’re feeling especially motivated, the garage. We feel great for a few days and feel the relief that the extra space and organization brings. Then we go out and start buying new things to fill the space that we cleared. A year later we have more stuff than when we started.
We read about people who have increased the ease in their lives by simplifying their homes and their days. We make a mental note to implement one or two of the things they’ve done. Then we don’t make any changes.
We wonder why our lives are stressful and filled with busy-ness.
Intentional Living
Simple living involves much more than keeping our closets and drawers clean. It’s a way of thinking and being. It’s a way of life that we choose for reasons that are important to us.
Simple living means stripping our lives down to the essentials, our core values. Most people have never taken the time to identify their core values much less reorganize their lives around them.
Normally, we live our lives doing what we think we’re supposed to do, buying the things we’re supposed to have in order to fit in with the groups with which we want to be identified. We’re following the herd without thinking about what we really want. And we wonder why we’re not happy.
Take a moment to look around your home, consider who you spend time with, how you spend your time and how you spend your money. All of this reflects your values whether you’ve thought about your values or not. Are these the values that you’re proud of or that you want to pass onto your children? If not, what needs to change?
All of our choices all day, every day are based on our values.
As you decide how you’ll spend every minute of your day and night, think about your top values. Are your actions honoring them?
Notice Your Choices
In order to live a simpler life, we need to identify what isn’t supporting our values and let it go. Some things may be hassles that we can easily say goodbye to. Other things may feel like obligations that we have to maintain to make others happy.
The important part is slowing down to notice all the little choices we make all day, every day.
If your family is one of your top values, can your family feel that? Have you asked them? How do you treat them? How much time do you spend with them? How focused is that time?
If you value your health, do you think about how everything you put in your mouth will affect you? Do you listen to your body and give it the exercise and nourishment it needs? Or are you too busy to think about it and follow your same daily habits that allow you to feel “good enough” instead of “great?”
Every time you spend money realize that you’re exchanging your life energy for something. How will that something give you energy in return? Does it provide a short term fix or does it support your values and the simpler lifestyle you’re working toward?
A New Way To Live
Living a simpler life changes our mindset, how we see ourselves and how we see the world. It’s a hell of a lot more than keeping our desks and closets clean. It’s intentional living – making conscious choices about what to include and what to keep out based on our highest values.
By slowing down and focusing on our values, we have the time and space to enjoy more and express gratitude. It allows us the space to get out of our crazy, self-focused world and open ourselves more fully to other people and experiences. We allow ourselves to feel content with what we have and how the world is. It allows us to experience a fuller, happier life.
Less is more.
Simple Steps
- Write down your three highest values. What are the three most important things you want your life to revolve around?
- Examine your life as it is. Write out everything you do each day, who you spend time with, how you spend your money, where you live and anything else you can think of. How does it support your values? How does it run counter to those values?
- Go through everything you wrote and cross out what doesn’t support your values and what you wouldn’t want in your happier life. Drop the guilt and obligations and focus on what makes you happy.
- Write what you would like to add to your life to more fully support your values. Where will these fit into your new life? This exercise might be easier if you do it on a computer so you can easily move things around.
- Identify one small thing you can do to move yourself closer to your happier, simpler life. Change your diet one meal at a time. Bow out of a group that’s no longer serving you. Start walking more. Spend less time with people who suck your energy. Clean out a cluttered area in your life – physically or emotionally.
- Each time you make a change toward your new life, stop and reflect on how you feel. Is it helping or do you need to change it a bit?
- Every day make a choice to live closer to your new life. Continue to develop a new habit (no more than one a month to make sure they stick). Take an action that supports your values. Do something like this every day and make sure you’re slowing down to notice how it feels. All these little things will add up quickly when you stick with the process.
Simple living doesn’t mean that you have to follow all the recommendations of a minimalist or live on a lower income or give away all your stuff. Simple living means living your life as authentically and consciously as you possibly can. It means taking full responsibility for your own happiness. No one is going to do it for you and others might make it hard. This is your life. Make it happen.
What will be different about your life tomorrow?
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
You writings are so clear and easy to understand, loved the way you expressed on simple living, i am inspired by this post, thanks for sharing, i have noted down some points to help myself. Thank you !
Thanks so much G Angela! I’m so happy to be able to help. Have an awesome day!
I came upon your lovely and wise blog via RowdyKittens blog
We have been a less is more lifestyle family living in a home less than 500 sq feet, and yet one day when I was getting everything organized to paint a room, I was reminded that living smaller still requires a person to be organized. A place for everything and everything in its place.
I’m so glad you found me Beth! I love RowdyKittens.
Yes, I would have to agree with you – the smaller the space, the more organization that’s required (in addition to fewer things). Bravo to you for living comfortably in 500 sf! I’ve always been intrigued by the tiny house concept. Mother Earth News had a great article about them this month.
Thanks so much for being here!!
Love this Paige. Simple ways to change our life.
Thanks Elle! It all starts with how we think, not what we do.
Big Hugs!
Paige….I love connecting simplifying our lives based on our values. I think some of us do it instinctively BUT to do it mindfully is a different modality that can be very helpful. I continue to simplify and am finding it even difficult to buy stuff that I actually might benefit from. I keep on asking the question ‘why’ . Will it really make a difference in my life?
Will it give me pleasure? How do I want to live? Thanks for a thought provoking post Paige. xxoo-Fran
For many of us, as we get older we realize what’s really important in life. As you’re experiencing, Fran, it becomes harder to continue some of our older habits. When we begin to think differently, we begin to act differently.
You’ve done some amazing things to live your passion-filled life. I continue to feel the joy radiate from you because of all that you’ve done (and continue to do).
Big Hugs!!
So true to the core. it is the thing I strive for and hearing it in words makes it so much more clear.
It is something that certainly takes a lot of practice. My analogy at the moment is to tall of those who are competing in the Olympics. 10,000 hours to become a master at something. Same thing is true for simple living and there will be times along the way where it didn’t go the way I planned. It only means I need to pick up and keep on going with it.
Thanks Paige for the great writing again.
Thank you Jt! Perfection in life is a myth. Even after more than 10,000 hours, the masters goof up. That’s life. You’ve definitely got the right idea when you say “It only means I need to pick up and keep on going with it.” That’s really all we can do.
You’ve made many big changes in your life to live closer to your values and it sounds like they’ve paid off with much more happiness for you. That’s what we’re all looking for.
Big Hugs!!
I love this more nuanced look at what are the ingredients for a truly ‘simple life.’ You’re so right that it’s about much more than minimalism (although I agree that less material ‘stuff’ allows the space to see where you’re going.) In the last year I’ve paid a lot of attention to defining my values and in how my actions reflect or don’t reflect my highest core values. (And I have to wonder what sorts of values I am living when I take those actions that don’t really serve me!)
Your simple steps are a wonderful guide to discovering and living the life we truly want. What especially resonates is this notion of stepping back and reflecting each time we make a small change. It’s easy to get caught up in all the changes we want to make. Yet, ‘slowing down to see how it all feels’ is a key component to lasting, positive change. Once again great stuff Paige!!
Thank you Sarah! I know you’ve done a lot of work on yourself over the last year with some big changes coming very soon.
When we strip away all the layers we’ve covered ourselves with and get down to our core values, life really is much simpler. And feeling your way through life, instead of thinking so much, creates much more happiness.
Best wishes on your new adventures!
This is so great. Now that I’m retired, I tend to try to do too much. I get scattered. Your tips will hep me focus on my real priorities.
So glad I could help Galen! Asking how something supports my values before moving forward has saved me so much time and stress. It makes life so much easier!
Hi Paige,
I really enjoyed your post on intentional living and how one can do this. I felt the points you included in the ‘Simple Steps’ were brilliant because they are so practical.
On the issue of simple living from a material sense, I’m finding that the less I have in terms of material items, the happier I am.
I have to agree with you on the material things, Hiten. We allow so much stuff to clutter our lives, thinking it will make us happy or fill a void. Whenever someone asks me what I want for a gift, all I can ever think of is a book and, thanks to my new Kindle, it doesn’t take up any more physical space for me.
Thanks for the kind words!
Big Hugs!
This is just perfect for me today. I spent the last few days at BlogHer conference. It’s made me do a lot of thinking about growing my blog and writing yet still keeping life simple. I’ve been writing a little about it today. I’m going to use your questions to help me stay in the direction that I want to go.
Thanks Paige!!
So glad I could help Betsy! I love going to conferences like that and coming home all fired up. It keeps that zest in our lives. And focusing on our values keeps us focused on implementing only the things that are truly important to us. Happy writing!!