Do any of these sound like you?
- I’m in a bad relationship.
- I can’t find a partner.
- My job sucks.
- I can’t find a job.
- My boss doesn’t care about me.
- My family/friends don’t support me emotionally.
- I don’t know what to do with my life.
- My life sucks.
I hear many of these messages from readers. Basically, you’ve made a series of decisions that have left you in a place you don’t like and it sucks. Now what?
In a nutshell, make a series of new decisions, preferably ones that challenge and scare you and see where that leads you. I urge you to make choices that challenge and scare you because if you’re doing things that are comfortable for you, you’re not growing. And if you’re not growing, you’re being the same person making the same choices that got you into the mess you’re in.
It’s time to become someone new in order to create a new life for yourself.
From personal experience, I know how my environment (people, situations) seems to magically change when I change myself. It’s weird but true.
Take a Self-Assessment
What beliefs about yourself, other people and the world do you have that reinforce the patterns that you so desperately want to escape?
Do you even realize that you keep repeating the same patterns?
Make a list of all the things you believe about yourself. Write down all the good, bad and indifferent things you can think of.
When you’re done, read each item and ask yourself if it’s true. If you think it is, what evidence do you have? If someone else looked at the evidence, would they interpret it the same way?
Now think about how patterns in your life seem to repeat themselves. This can be with regard to relationships, your weight/body, jobs, challenges you’ve taken on – anything. What seems to be the usual course of events?
How can you relate your patterns to the beliefs you hold about yourself? It’s a cause and effect relationship. If you hold a certain belief, you’ll make choices to reinforce that belief, even if they’re damaging to you. Your ego’s job is to prove you right, regardless of the consequences.
The Power of Your Beliefs
What if you could change your beliefs?
What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” ~Tony Robbins
You can. By doing things outside of your comfort zone, things the old you wouldn’t normally do. Things that seem a little scary.
You can change your beliefs by taking action that proves that your old beliefs aren’t completely true.
Be warned! When you start to test your beliefs, your monkey mind/ego will go berserk. It’s your monkey mind’s job to maintain the status quo in order to keep you “safe.” Anything outside of your old norm will cause alarms to go off in your monkey mind telling you to stop, turn around, flee the “new.”
Your monkey mind (and probably friends and family) will say things like:
- Have you gone crazy?
- What are you thinking?
- Why on earth would you want to do something like that?
- That’s stupid!
- Who do you think you are?!?!
That’s because you’re threatening their status quo by questioning your own. It’s the old analogy of a bucket of crabs. Whenever one tries to crawl out of the bucket to escape, the others pull the escapee back in.
Know that when all this happens, you’re on the right track. Yes, it will be difficult. But if you want your life to be different, you have to be different. And that might mean surrounding yourself with a new group of people who support your new beliefs (because they share those same beliefs).
Spending time with people who already live the life you want will eventually change your beliefs about what’s possible for you. Before you know it, your old “impossible” will be part of your average day.
Perception Is Everything
Along with challenging your beliefs, challenge your perceptions.
“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” ~William Shakespeare
Nothing has meaning until you give it meaning.
Thinking that your job sucks is one way of interpreting a situation. Not that long ago I had a job where I was painfully underemployed and my boss didn’t respect me. I could have bemoaned the situation and said that my job and my life sucked. But I chose not to.
Instead, I saw the many opportunities in the situation. Since I was overqualified, I could complete the work in a quarter of the time that my predecessor had so I had a lot of time on my hands. Thankfully, I had a private office so no one was looking over my shoulder.
I used my extra time to clean up the systems at the company so that I (and my successor) could be even more efficient. Then I took a daily walk (as many employers encourage their employees to do) and, as a result, lost about ten pounds easily. I started this blog which required me to start from ground zero, learning how to put together and run a web site (I was clueless when I started and didn’t have a budget to hire anyone or take classes). I also did a little contracting on the side to make some extra money.
I learned how to work with my boss instead of against him and found ways to make his life at work easier. I developed relationships with some of the people I worked with and found ways to bring more joy into their lives.
I turned the obstacles into opportunities. I created a happy place for myself where I could have chosen misery.
How you decide to see, interpret and feel about your situation is your choice.
Next Steps
If a part of your life isn’t going the way you would like, think about how you’re interpreting the situation. What beliefs is your ego trying to reinforce?
I’m not talking about putting on a happy face and just dealing with a bad situation. I’m talking about changing how you see, think and feel about the situation.
What kind of opportunities do you now have that you wouldn’t have if everything was going just dandy? Take steps to take advantage of those opportunities now.
Here are some ideas:
- I’m in a bad relationship. I can take this opportunity to examine why I seem to keep picking the same/wrong kinds of partners (a pattern). From now forward, I’m taking conscious steps to change myself and my thoughts so the next time I choose an awesome partner.
- I can’t find a partner. Now is the perfect time to get to know and love myself better than I ever have. If I can’t know and love myself, how can I expect someone else to?
- My job sucks. Instead of focusing on what I hate, I’ll focus on getting to know the people I work with better. Then I’ll find little ways of bringing a touch of happiness to their day like making eye contact and smiling at someone I never look at or bringing someone a cup of coffee made just the way they like or offering a unique idea or viewpoint on an issue that someone is facing that may help them with a breakthrough.
- I can’t find a job. Now I have time to spend on my passion that I never had while I was working. Maybe, now that I have the time to focus on it, I can turn it into a real business and I won’t have to find a job. I can also take this opportunity to examine my expenses and lifestyle to see if they really match my core values, my heart. Maybe I don’t need to make as much money as I thought.
- My boss doesn’t care about me. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’ll take some time to better understand and care about my boss. Maybe he/she is distant because they’re dealing with a big life issue that I could support them with. Or maybe I can demonstrate my value by doing things outside of my job description and in line with my passion.
- My family/friends don’t support me emotionally. Rather than trying to make them support me (an impossibility), I’ll take this opportunity to join that new group that I couldn’t get anyone to attend with me. I’ll make a new friend and see what new worlds open up for me.
- I don’t know what to do with my life. What’s the worst thing that could happen if I start experimenting? If I choose something that I end up not liking, I can always make a new choice and head in a different direction. Nothing has to be forever unless I decide it to be. I’ll make a list of everything I’ve ever wanted to do and do the first thing and see where that takes me.
- My life sucks. – See any of the above ideas.
There’s always a way out. You always have a choice, even if that choice is only how you think about something.
As Viktor Frankl, prisoner in three different Nazi concentration camps, said:
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.”
What’s your next step?
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
And what about many of us single guys that never met the right woman to have a relationship with since a lot of us were never single by choice in the first place?
It is much worse altogether for many of us single guys that don’t have a wife and family since a great deal of us were never single by choice in the first place.
Without a wife and family which makes it very extremely difficult for many of us single guys that don’t have that, especially when many of us weren’t single by choice in the first place. Women are just so very horrible and nasty to meet as it is, especially the ones that are very entitled and stuck up altogether too. A lot of mental problems that most of these women have nowadays since they’re very dangerous as well adding to the problem. Back in the old days our family members really lucked out since most women back then were very old fashioned and real ladies compared to the very ignorant ones that are everywhere today.
I can tell you have never been through a single hard day in your life.
I am in shambles. Im agnostic and can entertain any possibility. Im currently convinced that life is some sort of combination of hell and a simulation. Im convinced no matter how hard I try, there is a some sort of dark cloud or force that hovers over me to make sure I suffer. My life is a constant 2 steps forward followed by 3 steps back. I have not lived the worst life but its a constant torment that makes sure I never feel happiness. Im about to turn 36 and have been serving tables for a living. My ex of 8 years (broke up during pandemic lockdowns) just coincidentally gets sat in my section with her new guy. He proposes to her… and no neither of them knew I worked there. Honestly it didnt bother me because the other strangest coincidence was that the restaurant I was working at also employed “the one” that I let get away 13 years prior. The girl I always wished I had gotten with was now back in my life. I took this all as a sign from God and honestly i leaned more towards atheist before this, but the way life has played out, you cant write this stuff. I LOVED this girl when I was 22. I never made a move cause I thought I would be a bad influnce on her. Then she went on to date another co-worker that was abusive towards her. She was always the sweetest girl that turned out to be drawn towards abusive people. Also she is insanely beautiful, she was runner up for the states miss america contest. She is so beautiful but I truly care about her and the 19 year old girl I was knew and fell in love with. Come to find out now that she is 33 she is an abusive relationship with a career criminal that stalks her and threatens her familes well being.
After my 8 year relationship I honestly just wanted to disappear from society. But I had bills, so I got a job and ended up working with the girl of my dreams who I let get away 13 years prior. I was so happy to see her, with hopes she married the perfect guy and has children, just to find out she is in such an abusive relationship that she contemplates suicide. This broke me even more than I already was. I didnt even see her as dateable, she is so out of my league. But after awhile I thought, hey if she is gonna date losers at least id be a loser that actually adores her beyond her beauty.
She called me one random night at 2 am BAWLING her eyes out in terror because this guy is banging at her apartment door and she is too scared to call police because his criminal history will result in extreme jail time and his criminal family would retaliate. She says she didnt know who else to call but wanted someone to know who killed her incase he gets in. So me obviously caring about her grabs my gun and immediately drives in that direction while she tells me not to, but aint no way someone can ignore this situation. I told her I’d stay back unnoticed unless he actually breaks in, no way I let him kill her… Next week is followed by us hanging out and officially dating. For all of a week before she breaks it off out of stress of sneaking around from this stalker. I tell her she is all I want in this life and Id walk through hell and back if it was required, and that if she simply doesnt feel me then let me know because I wont let this situation intimedate me.
A month later im in my feeling and drunk living a mile away from her apartment, thinking to myself what if he is stalking her now? I can counter stalk him. He is there, he isnt sneaking around, he is part of her life again. Did she go back to him? Is she trapped? Does she need help? Is she addicted to this toxicity? This is my angle… I threated his safety. I needed to know if she loved him though, I dont want to be the source of pain but im prepared to eliminate this guy and disappear myself with hopes her life is restored and I can go back to square 1, ready to disappear from society, but at least I saved the girl ive always adored most then all.
Nope, she got a restraining order against me… Im on security camera that night I was drunk and saw her abusive “ex”. The HURT I felt receiving those papers was crippling. Did he force her to do that? does she think I am actually someone that would hurt her? I love her so much and its been 2 months since I recieved those papers that also cost me the job we shared together. I find myself anxious about her safety still… I should be angry with her but im so blinded by emotions that I just still worry about her safety and how now I am not the person she is gonna call at 2am when this inevitably happens again.
I hate my life so much, Ive tried nothing but to be a good reasonable person. Im truly convinced I live in a low level of hell that the torture is just a minor mental torment. How does the girl of my dreams renter my life, find out she is not living the life she deserves, my ex of 8 years gets proposed to in my section while the girl of my dreams is feet away and is starting to show interest in me again so it makes everything okay, just to eventually get a restraining order and lose my job?!?! I just wish I wasnt such a romantic. Why cant I be an asshole that doesnt have an ounce of empathy?!?!
Im 36 struggling to find a new job, girl of my dreams is being abused to the point of suicide while she gets a restraining order against ME!… My friends have either been killing themselves or losing touch with their own families. I just failed to launch. I lost hope. Hope is everything and it is all lost. Im so crippled by my overactive mind. Im in hell
Very helpful article.
These tips are really mind blowing. Thank you for sharing.
Love what you have to say! I especially like the idea to “… make choices that scare you …”. Responding to your readers on their issues is a wonderful service. I am an author as well with a more science-based approach “Engineering a New Life – from complacency to clarity”. The key in my opinion, which you so eloquently explain, is to take ownership of your life and embrace the possibilities!
Exactly, Steve! It’s impossible to improve your life or become happier without taking responsibility for yourself, your thoughts and your actions. Then see life as a big experiment where failure doesn’t exist, only outcomes from which to learn. All the best to you!!
I have no family no friends no job no hope my therapist cant helpme
You don’t give me much to work with here. Hope is up to you, along with all aspects of turning your life around.
“No family” can be a good thing given how many families bring people down and keep them from growing.
“No friends” is up to you. Check out to find others with similar interests in your area or create your own group. You can also find friends and people to connect with online (i.e. Facebook groups that share similar interests).
“No job” gives you the opportunity to focus on what you want out of life and go get it. Start your own business online. What are your strengths? How can you help others?
“Therapist can’t help me.” Then find a new therapist. Each one is different and your needs change over time. If you feel that no one can help you, that would seem more of an issue of you accepting help.
What one habitual thought or belief can you identify today and mindfully begin to change into one that supports you? Practice thinking about that more helpful belief whenever you can throughout the day.
Read James Altucher’s book, Choose Yourself. It’s about how he pulled himself out of a situation just like yours and ended up with a better life.
Actively find little ways you can help others. James talks about this in his book. It’s transformational.
Change your thoughts, change your life.
Your situation is as good or as bad as the stories you tell yourself about it. Make up better stories.
Any change in your life is completely up to you. Your attitude determines your outcomes. What will you change today?
I have always told people who ask why their life sucks is because they allow it to. The world we live in has changed so dramatically over the last 20 years that if you live in a place like Canada, the United States, Austrailia, or anywhere like them, there is zero reason for those thoughts.
Each day present new opportunities and it is up to the person to cash in on those opportunities.
When times get difficult, and like your graph illustrates, they will, you have two options.
1) Let the downswing consume you
2) Use the downswing as fuel to push forward
The only option as I see it is option 2
I couldn’t agree with you more Joel. Our lives are what they are because of the choices we make all day every day, especially the small ones. Choices create habits which create a life and those include thought habits. You can choose your thoughts.
I’ve been listening to a series of podcasts and the theme with all the guests is that something awful happened in their lives and, because of that awful thing, they chose to turn their lives around. They’re all much happier and more fulfilled because of the choices they made in those dark times.
My life is really hard maybe not as hard as some kids but it’s hard for me I really don’t know what to do… My parents have favorites when they say they don’t which I no is not true because my dad is always doing things for my sister and talks to her and when I’m around him especially when my sister is around I feel invisible it’s really hard cause my dad takes her side and does anything for her and my mom she’s a little bit better than my dad only she ignores me a lot I feel more like a maid in my own house I just really need some advice I wish I had someone to be there and hold me when I cry…
Lack of acceptance from your parents can be very painful (I know from my own experiences growing up and into adulthood). Unfortunately, it’s not something you can change. Every parent thinks they treat all of their children the same, but we all know that’s not what actually happens. For a myriad of reasons, some kids get more attention than others.
What you can control is the story you tell yourself about it and your reactions. The love your parents have for you and your sister may be the same but, because you and your sister are very different people, your parents express that love differently. Maybe your parents think that your sister needs more help in life so they’re with her more and pay more attention to her. Maybe they think that you’re more responsible and independent so you can excel on your own, without much of their help.
The most important lesson you can learn in life to be happy is acceptance. Accept your parents and your sister just as they are as it’s unlikely they’ll change. As long as you expect them to act differently, you’re setting yourself up for heartache. It’s not their job to act the way you want them to (even if it seems like the “right” thing to do). Think about the conditions under which your parents grew up. What were their parents like? What kind of tough environment did they have to endure? How did their parents treat them? If you can put yourself in their shoes, you’re more likely to find compassion for them instead of bitterness and resentment. I grew up with a big bully of a father who never listened to me. Growing up, I had all kinds of negative feelings about him. When I went through this exercise, I saw him in a whole new light and felt compassion for him. I still maintain boundaries with him since I don’t need his negativity, but I no longer feel the bitterness in my heart toward him. And that’s simply a gift I gave to myself.
Find other things to focus on, ways you can help others. Look for the acceptance you seek in other ways. Don’t wait for things to change. From my own experience, that of my husband and many others I know, this family dynamic doesn’t change. Your happiness comes from how you choose to see it.
Big hugs to you Katlin!
Can i just die? Im useless. Noob. Immature.
Unfortunately, that’s not an option. No one is useless unless they choose to be. When you can find one little thing to help one other person, everything changes. Anyone at any age and in any capacity can help another person, animal, plant or their environment. Help because you want to help, not for a reward. Trust me, when you help others, you’ll feel a payoff in your own heart, regardless of how the other person responds.
Every moment is an opportunity for you to make new choices and change the course of your life. Even if you don’t have a direction, simply doing something differently than you’ve done in the past is the first nudge in a different direction. Experiment and find your own path. There is no failure, only experiments and feedback. Use the feedback you receive to design a new life experiment. In the process you learn so much more about yourself that helps you to design the life that’s right for you.
Such crap we live in a hierarchical society where narcissists throw crap downhill tired of all these self help articles seriously get real some people are just crapped on no matter what they strive to do or achieve its a dog eat dog world this isn’t the 1950s work hard keep trudging along and no I’m not being negative or pessimistic I’m being real absorbing reality for what it is at the end of the day modern age people only care about themselves and the gold that lines their pockets I’ve done great things within my life but the amount of crap I had to tolerate was no different then anyone else there is nothing anyone can do to live that pretty little dream life that is merely a construct of crap society advertises and pretends to exist welcome to the machine rant over
The worlds we create for ourselves are based on our beliefs about ourselves, other people and society. If we want things to change, we have to change from the inside out. I’ve personally done this a few times in my life and the results were pretty amazing.
I don’t think anyone lives a “pretty little dream life.” Everyone pays their dues in one way or another. It’s how we perceive those challenges that determines our outlook on life.
We all see what we believe. If you think the world is out to dump on you, your subconscious will look for and find all kinds of evidence to support that. If you think the world is out to support you with your mission in this world, you’ll find evidence to support that. The same challenge will be perceived differently by people with these different beliefs. The first will see the challenge as someone dumping on them again. The second will see the challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Your life is what you make it. You choose your beliefs, whether or not you realize it. You have the ability to change your beliefs and see the world differently.
If Viktor Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning, can find the good in Nazi concentration camps, we can all find the good in our lives.
Powerful aritcle. It is so true that your monkey mind will go absolutely apeshit when you start to change things. It freaks out about new things, but you need to face that in order to grow. I am glad that you were able to make the most out of your situation with the boss. Many people probably would have just kept complaining.
Keep up the great work. This was a great reminder for me to make the most out of my situation : D.
Looking at life and its many situations in a different light can make a world of difference. Perspective is powerful.
it would be great if we could rid ourselves of our monkey mind, but, without it, there wouldn’t be much to contrast with. By seeing the monkey mind as a separate being that lives inside of us instead of it being who we are, we are able to see things more objectively and make better decisions.
It’s all in how you look at it.
That is so true. Without the opposite of anything then how could we appreciate the positive thing. How can we appreciate and name not suffering unless we know what suffering is?
It is true that our monkey minds are just our minds. They just say stuff that we don’t necessarily have control over sometimes.
A very comprehensive list of nuggets here. Many years ago when I truly learned the power of perception, my life instantly had new meaning. You are so right: “Nothing has meaning unless with give it meaning.” That includes good meaning or bad. It’s our choice.
Sounds like you’ve learned that lesson from lots of experience, Joshua. Initially, it’s a tough one to grasp but, with mindfulness and some personal experimentation, it’s truth can be revealed. So glad to hear that you’ve blessed yourself with a greater meaning for your life!
Hi Paige,
I Love this quote by tony Robbins you put out………..
“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.”
I think this is an important factor in moving ahead;sorting out your beliefs.
Usually we do not correlate our thinking process,the input, with its effect ,the output.
We cannot “see” our thoughts.They just arrive, and we tag along,obediently.Yet for succeeding well it is important to “see” our thoughts,understand them.
Our thought is critical.Whatever you are today is the outcome of what you have been thinking till yesterday.What you will be tomorrow will also be similarly dictated by what you think today.If you think of success,achievement,confidence , fulfillment,abundance,prosperity,happiness ,good fortune, today;you will inevitably find your life tomorrow brimming with corresponding results.
This is unvarying Universal Law.Some people call it the Law of Attraction.What it says is if you indulge in sustained negative thinking today ,your tomorrow will show up with negative distasteful consequences.Likewise if you think positively,always,only positive consequences will surround you
Sounds like you speak from experience, Mona. Yes, when we play the victim and follow our thoughts, we’re giving up our potential for creating an amazing life. By controlling our thoughts, which takes practice, we can control our destiny.
Thanks so much!
Digging this has so many truths in it.
Sadly, I’ve had most of these conversations with myself over the years (and you know firsthand) and have struggled with taking ownership of my life.
Much has changed for me (I mean, I have changed it), and the quote about nothing having power until we give it is so powerful.
I try to live my life by this now. I know actions are just actions and have no significance until I make it so. Thanks for the reminder and for sharing this with us all.
Steve, you’ve come a loooong way in the past couple years! You’re definitely a testament to the change that’s possible. The key is taking ownership of your own life, as you’ve said. As soon as you drop the “my life sucks” victim mindset and realize everything in your life, good and bad, is up to you, the world becomes a big, beautiful place with endless possibilities.
I’m so glad you’re back!!
Love the name of your class. It really spoke to me. “How to get it done when you are only human!”
Life does suck sometimes, but we can make it something else with our attitude. I think this is a helpful way to tease out and practically steps on what to do about it. Great post!
Thanks so much Jodi! Hope the class helps you! I’m in the process of writing my next one on how to use your intuition to create your own amazing life.
When life sucks, I like to look at it as the Universe’s way of telling me that I have a lesson to learn. The more things suck, the louder the Universe has had to be for me to get the point. Wallowing in the suckiness only makes things worse. Attitude is everything!
Have a great day Jodi!
Lots of great tips here. I think that too often we get caught up wanting to keep up with those around us. I see this a lot of on Facebook where everyone shares their successes but rarely share the bad spots. It makes it look like everyone around us is a success and we feel like failures.
I think it’s important to judge life based on our own set of criteria and not based on those around us. To me, this is where perception comes in. I realized this a few years ago and started making changes in my life to fit with what I felt I wanted, and not based on what everyone else thought I should be doing. This has made me feel much better about the direction my life is headed.
Congratulations Eric! Making that shift from worrying about what others think to living for your True Self is huge! And, as you’ve experienced, is a life changer.
When I took what others perceived as “radical” steps to live my authentic life, I got a lot of raised eyebrows and a little, “isn’t think a bit irresponsible?” but I didn’t take notice, thankfully. My husband and I are incredibly grateful for the “alternative” lifestyle that’s now very normal for us.
It all boils down to knowing and living by your core values – what’s most important to you (not anyone else). It’s not always easy but it’s soooooo worth it!
Thanks so much for your comment Eric!
Hey Paige and thanks for the powerful post!
“I turned the obstacles into opportunities.” – This is the key to living life on your own terms. We are the choices we make and as such, we can either feel the positiveness of our being, or the negative. It’s all up to us to decide which!
That being said, it’s not easy to feel this way all the time, so posts like yours help a great deal 🙂
Take Paige and all the best.
Ooops…”Take Paige and all the best.” should have read Take care Paige…
Thank you Iyle! Yes, it’s not always easy, especially when you’re in the middle of the muck. But the choice to step out and see it all differently is always there.
I just finished a great book: The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday. He gives plenty of examples from historical figures who have turned immense obstacles into opportunities.
Hey Paige and thanks for the book reference!
One of my favorite Remington Steele episodes – yes, I am showing my age – deals with loss and obstacles and I think that will soon be turned into a Joy of Simple blog post 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration and hugs back!
Take care and all the best.
I remember Remington Steele so you’re in good company. 🙂 Sounds like your upcoming post will be a great one!
Hi Paige,
So many great little nuggets in here. Our belief systems are responsible for so much of the perceived “bad stuff” that happens in our lives. As well as the good stuff. When these beliefs are actually examined and challenged it is amazing to find how many of them are not actually our own. We have picked them up from parents, siblings, or other influential people in our formative years and because we never looked ta them we believe them to be true.
I have seen clients transformed when they actually realised that they don’t even agree with their own beliefs. It was just a mantra playing on repeat they felt compelled to follow. Just saying, ‘Stop, is this true?’, is such a powerful statement and can open up so many doors and a life that doesn’t suck.
Great post, Paige
Keith – I love that you’re helping people to objectively look at their beliefs. Years ago I used to defend beliefs that did nothing to help me. They only kept me stuck where I was. Things like, “Well, that’s just the way I am!” Then I would ask myself if that’s the kind of person I wanted to be. No. So I started to make changes and made it a point to stop saying that.
Like you’ve said, many times we take a belief to be true simply because the people around us believe them. If we hung out with a different group of people, they could have very different beliefs.
Keep up the great work!
Had to laugh when I saw your post today Paige since I too have just shared an article on managing life when it sucks. You and I must be on the same soul page – no pun intended.
It’s always wonderful to have a variety of ideas on living a positive, productive life and yours, as always, are wonderful. 🙂
I laughed when I read your article too! Yes, we’re definitely on the same soul page, once again. I loved your article and the breadth of ideas for turning things around when life starts to suck were awesome. Big hugs to you!!
Thank you for these great reminders Paige. I don’t know about you but I thrive when I hear, read and remember them over and over again. I’ve found that it isn’t just something you learn once and then you’re set–I really need to practice them repeatedly. Ultimately it is as Vicktor Fankl says, we can’t change others but we can ALWAYS change ourselves! ~Kathy
I completely agree with you Kathy. Most lasting life lessons are learned as a practice over time. Applying principles and ideas in different situations and learning from the results allow us to make better choices as we move along in life. And one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that we can’t control others. We can only control our own thoughts, beliefs and actions. And that’s incredibly powerful.
Love that Skunk and dog image! Hilarious! This is such a great post and I love your suggestions. It’s our job to pull ourselves out of those sucky times. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Melissa! Yes, it’s our job to make our own lives better. We’re sure to continue to live in a sucky place if we sit around waiting for someone to save us. Hugs!
This is a really great post Paige!!! I know I’ve certainly struggled with these issues from time to time. But as they say “the grass is always greener…:.”.
For example, I used to be jealous of my friends who were married and had kids. So imagine my surprise to find out that they were equally jealous of me!!! Being single and unmarried has afforded me the opportunity to travel and see the world, something that they’re not able to do.
In the end, we all have different paths in life and we need to embrace where we are while working towards what we want.
I love your perspective Ed! Yes, we all need to accept where we are before we can move forward. Sitting around resisting our current situation (wishing it were different) doesn’t change anything and only brings on more of the same.
We’re all lucky in different ways because of how our lives are right now. We just have to open our eyes to the possibilities.