“Change is not a process for the impatient.” -Barbara Reinhold
We go through our lives creating to do lists, crossing things off and adding more. Weâre never done. As much as we spend our thoughts and days on completing and accomplishing things, I always remember a quote I read somewhere:
Your inbox will still be full the day you die.
Where does that driven, need-to-achieve feeling come from? Like weâre not quite enough if we havenât done enough.
And, right along side it, the impatience with where we are and what we havenât yet accomplished.
And the worry over doing things right or getting them done at all.
I expend great amounts of energy almost every day worrying about what Iâm not accomplishing. Being impatient. Subconsciously beating myself up for procrastinating, not staying focused and generally not doing enough of the âimportantâ stuff each day (writing and other work).
By spending so much mental and physical energy like this, Iâm missing out on the truly important things like spending more focused time with my children and husband, time to be quiet and simply be, time to relax.
The curse of mindfulness
Learning and practicing mindfulness can sometimes be frustrating.
Itâs one thing when you do crazy things and arenât aware of your actions.
Itâs quite another when the mindful you consciously watches the stressed you do crazy things and asks the stressed you what the hell youâre doing. Itâs like youâre doing things that you know are counter to the way you want to be.
The good thing is that, with this awareness, you can stop yourself mid-stream and make a different choice. Without the awareness, you continue to follow the unproductive path and wonder how you ended up where you did.
Talking to myself
I thought I would let you in on a recent conversation (or tennis match) that went on in my head (S is the stressed me and M is the mindful me):
S: Iâve GOT to get this stuff done today! And itâs already 1pm. What happened to the day?
M: How much have you actually accomplished today?
S: Well, I did A and B but I still have C, D and E to get done before the end of the day. People are relying on me to get all this done!
M: Thatâs awesome that you already did A and B! Whatâs the worst that would happen if it didnât all get done today?
S: Others may get upset, or not. I would be letting them down. For the things Iâm doing for my own business, whatever didnât get done today would just roll into tomorrow. But I would be that much farther behind.
M: Behind what?
S: What I set out for myself to accomplish this week. Itâs already Thursday!
M: How are you feeling today?
S: Stressed and not quite enough.
M: Is that how you want your life to be?
S: Obviously not.
M: Will accomplishing your weekly goals change how you feel?
S: Sure. In the short term Iâll feel better but then Iâll set the same or more goals for myself the following week and repeat the same stressful cycle.
M: So, accomplishing your goals wonât really change how you feel each day?
S: Thanks for throwing that in my face! I guess youâre right.
M: How do you want to feel each day?
S: Relaxed and accomplished. Feeling good about whatever little things I do accomplish each day.
M: Can you do that right now?
S: Iâm not sure. I can try.
M: Yoda quote: âThere is no try. There is only do.â Take a deep breath. Think about what youâve already accomplished today. Can that be enough for you?
S: No. But. But. But. I donât want to keep living like this.
M: Why is it important to you to keep living like this?
S: Ouch. Iâm defending some bizarre way of being that is completely counter to what I really want. Iâm attached to it, to making sure it doesnât change.  I can feel how tightly Iâm holding onto it. Itâs really wearing me out.
M: Then let go. Stop making it so hard. Release the tension. Let go.
S: I feel like Iâm falling if I let go. Itâs scary.
M: Youâre not falling. Youâre flying.
S: Releasing my death grip on all that feels good. I can relax again. And my world isnât ending. Well, my old world is ending but itâs a world thatâs not serving me. Itâs hard to let it go but I know itâs the best thing for me.
M: Great! Keep going!
S: And I know that, in order to not fall back into my old world, I have to accept things just the way they are. Accept that I have a lot of things Iâm committed to each day and that I usually canât do everything every day.
My top values are my health, my family and my integrity. To maintain my health, I make sure I practice yoga and meditate each day. I put my family before my chores, job and business. Make sure my kids and husband know that they come first by showing them every day. Maintain my integrity by practicing what I preach.
Iâm not perfect and some days will be better than others. Thatâs OK. Iâm doing my best and thatâs the best I can do.
I realize that Iâve been resisting the way things are and thatâs whatâs created all my stress and anxiety. Releasing the resistance and accepting the way things are has made a world of difference in other areas of my life. Itâs time to implement it here.
While that feels like âgiving upâ at first, itâs a wonderful feeling once I let it sink in.
Simple Steps
Do you have grand plans for yourself and your life? Do you stress and worry about getting it all done?
Here are some points to consider:
- Whatâs the purpose of my life? Whatâs my mission?
- Whatâs the point of accomplishing all these worthy and noble things if I neglect my values along the way?
- How can I include them?
- When I start stressing about whatâs not getting done, ask: Whatâs the worst that could happen?
Slow down.
Feel good.
Be happy.
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, youâll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and loveâthe elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, youâll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
Thanks for the article Paige. And for the sake of spreading love to others, here it goes… I love you. đ
Thank you very much Adam! The world can always use a little more love. đ
Hi Paige,
This was a really good post. I loved the conversation you had with yourself. I learnt a lot from it.
As I was reading your post, it got me thinking about something. I used to be hugely ambitious. I wanted lots of money, a nice car, a big house etc. I guess I was very materialistic in my thinking.
However, since I started to practice yoga and meditate, my ‘need’ to be ambitious has diminished incredibly.
I still am ambitious. If I achieve some of my goals, then great. If I don’t, that’s cool as well. Because as you say, they are some things like family and health which are more important.
And I believe by training ourselves to accept things as they are, we can get so much joy out of just ‘being’ and living in the present.
These are wonderful points HIten! These are things the mindful me, that knows better, says.
While my ambitions are definitely not in the area of wanting more stuff, the drive to achieve is great for me. Achievement for me is in helping and supporting others. The more money I make, the more people I can help.
My yoga and meditation practice definitely help to keep my mindful voice loud.
I’ve been working with my husband and friends lately to better understand the Law of Attraction and implement it in my life. So much of this is about just feeling good and only doing what feels good.
It’s a practice that I practice daily.
Thanks so much for your awesome comment HIten!
Ha–loved the title! Isn’t that the truth. I remember reading Hesse’s Siddhartha years ago. Siddhartha said, “I can think. I can wait. I can fast.” Ah, the waiting part. Patience. Early in my parenting years when I found out that my son was autistic, I remember someone saying to me, “This is not a sprint. It’s a marathon.” We can’t do everything all at once. Great post. And great comments, too.
Thank you Galen! Yes, the waiting is the hardest part (wasn’t that a song?). My two sides go back and forth on the whole waiting thing.
S: Life is short. You never know when your time will come so do as much as you can with the little time you have.
M: Enjoy the journey and the process. Life isn’t a race. It’s all about the relationships, not the accomplishments.
Oh, if they would just agree to disagree and get over it! đ
Your conversation with yourself made me laugh, thanks for your honesty! Ha. I also love the quote you start off with from Barbara Reinhold. So true!!! Change takes persistence, tenacity, COURAGE! I’m working on letting go not just on a daily basis with a morning meditation, but all through the day, letting those anxious and negative thoughts GO, focusing instead on nothing, not thinking, or a replacement positive thought or prayer.
Thanks for your lovely blog.
Thank you Linda! Sounds like you’ve got a great all-day practice going. Yes, it definitely takes more than a morning meditation, although that’s a great place to start. Learning to be aware of our thoughts and emotions all day is where the change starts.
I like to look at all of this as a daily practice. We keep practicing and some days are better than others. No judgment. We just keep practicing.
I’ve used this approach with my yoga over the years and the level of change and transformation is truly amazing. It’s usually hard to see on a daily basis but when I look back a year or two, I have to say WOW!
All those baby steps really add up.
Hi Paige,
I believe it’s my lower self or ego that tell me I’m not enough, I don’t do enough and I don’t have enough. All stress for me falls under one of these three thoughts. I change it to I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.
I can totally relate, Tess. The whole “not being enough” is probably the most difficult issue I’ve dealt with over the years and it still obviously has a strong grip on my psyche. I’m implementing your mantras of being, having and doing enough. I know that’s the truth. Thank you so much for that!
I agree, totally, about the different selves – the ego wants us to be stressed all the time, that gives it more to do and manage, gives it a reason to exist!! Taming the ego and bringing it to its balanced function means it simply keeps us driven and motivated forward, but not to the point of self-flagellation. đ
Sometimes the “stressed out” version wins but great wakeup call for me! Thanks Paige. You just have to keep reminding yourself every single day of what you HAVE accomplished and what is really important.
Exactly Gay! That morning gratitude practice helps in keeping me more mindful and balanced – and happy! When the stressful me starts to rear it’s ugly head during the day, I stop, take a deep breath and mentally go through a gratitude list. It’s a great pattern interrupt. And, like all of this, it’s a practice that I’m better at on some days than others. đ
This is brilliant Paige!
I love that you posted your head’s conversation… đ And it’s so timely, too. I’ve been struggling with my own stressed out self the last couple of days and my mindful self finally figured out how to let something go today. Phew! Feel so much calmer.
I usually start by day with a cup of Chai tea and some positive CD’s or meditation. In other words, I put myself and how I feel first, get my head on straight and only THEN try to tackle everything else. It’s worked wonders on how productive I am and more importantly, how I feel. Now, when I don’t feel like working, I don’t. Period. But when I do… I can knock out days worth of high quality work in a few hours. That’s leverage.
Awesome post!
Huge hugs,
Ahhh Melody – Reminds me of the days before kids. I would get up early, write my goals and gratitudes, practice yoga and meditate and sip my tea. It would all put me in the perfect frame of mind for the day.
Then I had kids and it all went out the window.
When I get up early, my 2 yr. old inevitably gets up about 15 minutes later, sensing that I’m no longer in bed (we co-sleep). Yoga happens later in the afternoon with the kids “practicing” with me (climbing on me). Meditation is about ten deep breaths before someone needs me for something.
I know it will change as they get older (they’re 2, 5 & 8 now). It’s a big practice in patience at this point.
While I’m enjoying every moment with my kids, I’m looking forward to quiet mornings again.
Thanks for the great advice Melody!! You’re awesome!
I love the part of “what’s the worst that can happen?”
It’s so important to just breath and get back to our breathe. We get so stressed about our “to do” lists and really what we really need to be concerned with is the “moment”…..
I wrote a blog about Living life at it’s fullest – and the only way to do that is in the moment – I tell people when they worry about this and that – “where are your feet right now?” They say on the floor in front of me – then that’s the only thing you have to think about.
Here’s to living in the moment without stress!
Exactly Nancy!
The mindful me knows that the present moment is the only thing that matters and that there’s no stress in the present. Stress is created by living in the future.
It’s a daily practice in my quest to have the mindful me take over (or kick out) the stressed me.
Thanks for your great comment!
Paige: I was smiling when I was reading this post and the conversation between your 2 selves:) I know exactly what you are talking about. What you said is so true that when you are aware of what’s going on, you expect to not fall into the same old traps … but it is so easy to repeatedly do so. Really great post and it is nice to know I am not the only one:)
Thanks Sibyl!
I think the more we open up and talk about our own “craziness” the more we realize that we’re not alone. We’re all working in our own ways to make sense of things and live happier lives. The more open we are, the more we can support each other.
I love that you wrote down that inner dialogue, what a great exercise! It’s amazing how that kind of stuff is going on constantly in our heads and how much it can be holding us back.
You’re so right Doug. This post was definitely an exercise for me. I sat down at my computer with a simple idea for a post. This usually only takes me an hour or two. Well, two days and many pages of edited writing later, this is what came out. Hopefully I’ll be able to turn some of the edited info into more posts. The process of writing this was very therapeutic and had me questioning more and more assumptions that I’ve been living with.
I would highly recommend writing out your internal dialogues. Taking the time to write them out slows us down just enough to question what we’re thinking. And then we realize how much crazy stuff is in our heads that drives our daily actions and creates our own limitations.
Thanks again Doug!
that just sounded like a conversation between me and my fiance, me being the one who wants to rush through everything of course!!
Noch noch
I hear ya Noch Noch! I’ve been the one rushing through everything for so many years. Unfortunately, most of those years I didn’t have the mindful me to counter the stressed me.
You’ve definitely stopped your stressful life and are taking the time to really listen to your mindful self. Bravo to you for doing that and showing others the many benefits.
Thank you for the gentle reminder to listen to our mindful self more often. It is so easy to tell that side of myself to be quiet so that I can get all of the work done that I set out to do.
My wife and I were just talking about how people so rarely stop to enjoy the life that is going on around them. I’m as guilty as anyone of doing just that.
Time to be a little more mindful!
Thanks Mike!
Your last post was definitely a lesson in being more mindful about how we choose our homes (and the resulting debt).
Yes, we’re all so busy doing, doing, doing that we forget to be – especially when our society puts so little importance on simply being.
You’ll have a lot more time to slow down and simply be when you and your family get out on your sailboat home!
This is a familiar conversation to me. And this if the perfect post for me and the proof is that I’m up at almost 4 in the morning doing everything I didn’t get done yesterday. Yesterday I tried to de-stress and be mindful but the opposite side of the coin is that I woke up feeling stressed now! Is there a good answer? Maybe the answer is spring is coming and we’ll have more daylight soon!
LOL! While you’re getting up at 4am, I’m staying up until 2am to accomplish the same thing. While more daylight is always a good thing, I know it won’t change things for me until I decide to change.
My big question is: Is it possible to fully accept and be OK with what we actually accomplish each day? Yes, it’s a choice. Has anyone out there integrated that choice into their life?
It is a constant balancing act isn’t it. It is true, this post made me smile because similar conversations go on in my own head. I think with time it gets better, still there are days….
Aloha wags!
Yes, Jt, things are definitely better now than they ever were. Being aware or mindful and taking full personal responsibility takes the anger, blame and resentment out of it. And I lived with all of those for all too many years. I feel I’m left with frustration and occassional humor as I watch myself each day because it’s all up to me to make my life better.
Thanks and aloha!
Thanks for sharing the interesting conversation that has gone on in your head LOL! I find myself having a lot to do but I also have realized that it is a choice how I wish to live each day. And so I need to continually remind myself to make that choice. With so many tasks, I need to prioritize. Getting clear on what my values are helps me make that choice. So I am definitely in agreement with not neglecting my values.
Oh yes, let’s not beat ourselves up over all unaccomplished stuff. We are really doing the best we can. Thank you for a great reminder about being mindful!
Thanks Evelyn!
You’re right on – Making choices (and knowing it’s our choice) based on our values and personal priorities is the obvious thing to do. It just seems like a daily challenge to actually do this. And, just writing this sentance made me realize that I’m choosing to make it a challenge. LOL!
What a wonderful thought provoking post. It’s amazing how we may have heard these ideas before but the way you have expressed yourself is unique. And I love your split conversation with yourself.
Oh man….am I ever identifying with the stressed/mindless me the past few days. With this post, I’m going to slow down, get a cup of coffee and spend at least a half hour reading a good book! As always, thank you for making a difference in my day…xxoo-Fran
Thank you Fran! As soon as I can get all three kids calmed down (is that even possible?), I’m looking forward to my tea and Yoga Journal.
My conversations with myself are sometimes tough because I’m watching myself do and think unproductive things. Sometimes I make different choices and other times it seems impossible to stop the momentum in the wrong direction. At least I’m aware, which is the first step, and I understand what’s going on. Being able to take full control over it is the next big step.
Have a beautiful Sunday!
I just had a thought after I read this post. Are you sure you’re not a mind-reader, Paige? đ
That “M” of yours could have easily been “Sury” for me. We often have conversations where his contribution is pretty much like your M. You’ve neatly summed up what every single person today must be going through (whether they admit it or not is a different story).
I do feel like this often, especially when there’s too much to do – and I was laughing when I read “So, accomplishing your goals wonât really change how you feel each day?” – Sigh. You’ve hit the painful nail on the proverbial head.
Great post and I love it! Have a fabulous (stress-free) Sunday, Paige!
Thank you so much Vidya!
I frequently have to laugh at the human condition (and my own). Why do we persist in creating so much stress for ourselves? Maybe it’s that societal programming that things are supposed to be hard. I’m working on changing my programming but I’m obviously not there yet. đ