My Story
Many years ago, I was like most people. I trusted that anything sold at the grocery store was fine to eat. I didn’t read labels or understand the nutritional content and didn’t care too much about it.
If I had aches and pains, I would take some pain killers and wait for them to go away. If something hurt badly enough, I would go to the doctor and blindly do whatever the doctor said.
There were times in my life where I struggled with my weight. I tried many different diets, some more successful than others.
Everything changed when I got pregnant for the first time. I was suddenly hit with the revelation that everything that I put in and on my body would become part of a new person growing inside me. That’s a pretty daunting thought.
I started reading ingredient labels on foods, drinks, personal care and household products and anything else that came in or near my body or in the air I breathed. I looked up everything I didn’t understand.
I began to understand that the conventional food system does not have our health in mind. We’ve been led to believe that harsh, highly toxic chemicals are required to clean our homes, cars, and bodies and that carcinogenic chemicals are just fine to add to our foods.
Without the option of taking medications, I conducted experiments on myself to manage aches, pains, and illnesses. I studied and began to understand how different types and qualities of foods affected our health and emotional state.
As I slowed down and implemented more mindfulness practices in my life like yoga and meditation, I also learned how strongly our emotions affect our health and habits.
Why I Created the Mindful Body Program
As I realized lasting solutions to long-standing health issues for myself and my family, I began to teach what I had learned and experienced to others. As these people implemented these concepts into their own lives, they also experienced improved health, especially in areas where they had chronic issues.
My quest is to share this information with you in hopes that it can open your mind to new ways of thinking about health and wellness. We don’t need expensive and risky medications, special programs or anything else outside ourselves.
We all have the ability to heal ourselves from the inside out. I’ll hold your hand as we walk through the information that will show you how it’s possible for you.
The increasing rates of obesity, diabetes, heart problems, cancer and other serious illnesses in adults and especially children is freakin’ scary. Many of the solutions are simple.
My mission is to share all the knowledge I’ve gained from hundreds of hours of research and personal experiences in order to turn those statistics around. I want to make a difference in as many lives as I can. That’s why I created the Mindful Body program.
We know how important it is to eat healthily and exercise. We know how many things could be possible if we changed our habits. We’ve heard stories of the changes people have made, the weight they’ve lost, the illnesses they’ve conquered, and the things they’ve achieved – just as a result of taking great care of themselves.
Yet so few of us know how to tackle it. We have all kinds of reasons why we don’t change our health habits – we’re too busy, it seems too hard, we’ve already tried everything, prioritizing our health seems selfish, we don’t know where to start…
We’re so busy doing, doing, doing that we don’t slow down to consider how to do things more effectively or, God forbid, how to simply be. We listen to others and do what’s expected of us. Generally speaking, those “others” don’t have our best interests in mind. They have their best interests in mind.
Do you think this is the way it has to be? Do you think you can’t stop this train wreck?
Think again.
A New, Mindful Way
It doesn’t have to be this way.
What if you could lose weight by simply noticing what you eat, why you eat it and how you feel before you eat? No more crazy restrictions or having to eat things you hate.
What if you could get enough exercise by doing things you love when you want to do them? No more personal trainers pushing you beyond your limits with the “no pain, no gain” mentality.
What if you could get healthy and feel good about it for the rest of your life?
Sounds too good to be true? People all around the world live this way every day. And you can too.
I’ve put together all the information you need to turn these dreams into your own reality. The Mindful Body program is your ticket to a new, healthier, happier life.
What the Mindful Body Program Covers:
- Why diets and gyms usually don’t work.
- Effective ways of setting goals so you can achieve them easily.
- How to create healthy, life-long habits.
- How to implement mindfulness into your day to help you achieve your goals.
- How to manage your weight easily without restrictions or crazy diets.
- Understand how your emotions affect your health and how to change the negative patterns.
- How to read labels so you understand what goes into your body and how it can affect you.
- How to eat healthy when you’re on the run.
- Understand how food allergies and intolerances can affect your health (many people don’t realize they have them).
- Reveal the breadth of toxins in your environment, how they affect your health and what you can do about them.
- How to easily incorporate exercise into your daily schedule and enjoy it.
- How to manage aches, pains and illness quickly and without medications.
- The importance of adequate sleep and what you can do to ensure you get yours.
Who This Program Is For
This program is not for the person looking for a quick fix to their problems. It’s not a diet. If you’ve had issues with your weight or other health problems for years, I’m not going to tell you about a crazy new supplement or exercise that will magically make everything better while you make no changes in your lifestyle.
This program is for anyone who struggles with their body in any way (weight, diet, exercise, health issues, aches, and pains or sleep issues) and wants to do something about it once and for all. Even if you’ve tried every diet around, have never maintained an exercise routine, don’t have time to cook or feel like there’s no hope for you – I created this course with you in mind.
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
Hi ! The points you mentioned are highly advantageous for achieving physical and mental well-being. A few days ago, I went to the doctor. During various tests, he said that I have pre-diabetes. After that I focused on weight and made drastic changes in my diet and engaged myself in regular yoga exercises. the Now I feel a little healthier than before and I am at peace mentally. I have greatly benefitted from the words you have chosen in my life. Feel free to visit my site if you are interested. “”
Thanks …
I like the way you phrase this, in terms of being mindful about the body — I’ve found that, the more I pay attention to the sensations I’m feeling in my body, the more I’ll naturally gravitate toward eating foods that promote my health — after I started doing yoga, I began noticing more and more often that foods that were high in sugar content had a slight, but unmistakable, nauseating quality when I ate them. Thus, I don’t eat foods containing refined sugar anymore.
Thanks Chris! Yes, it’s amazing how much information our bodies are giving us all the time, if we slow down enough to listen to them.
I agree with you about the sugar. My kids think it’s odd that the only “sweet” that I like is carrot cake (without the icing). They laugh when I make funny faces when I taste something and it’s too sweet.
Yoga is a wonderful practice that goes way beyond physical exercise. It’s what helped me to cure the “bad back” I had for about 20 years. Yoga helps us to get quiet and listen to what our bodies and True Selves are trying to tell us. Their voices always lead to more peace and happiness.
Way to go, Paige! Sounds like a great program!
Thanks Bobbi! I’ve poured so much of myself into this. I hope I can impact as many people as possible to help them live healthier, happier lives.
This is wonderful news! When do you plan to launch? I’ve emailed you.
I know your program is going to be very very successful.
Much love, Vidya
Thank you Vidya! I’ll be launching later next month. Lots of work to do for the launch!