I looked up the definition of career because we all talk about it like we know exactly what it is. But do we?
Most of the definitions I found were something along the lines of:
- An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress.
- A field for or pursuit of consecutive, progressive achievement, especially in public, professional or business life.
- An occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one’s lifework.
But the one that caught me off guard that I really liked was:
- A path or course, as of the sun through the heavens.
We tend to think that a career is something we go to college for or get some kind of special training. It’s what we do to make money. And, generally, once we pick a career, we tend to stick with it for a very long time whether or not we like it.
The Choice of a Lifetime
I’ll never forget a line from Bee Movie where the main character has just graduated from school and now has to choose a career at the honey factory. The very pleasant sounding tour leader at the honey factory tells all the recent grads that it’s now time to pick a career that they’ll have for the rest of their life. To which the main character responds in horror: “For the rest of my life?!?!?!?”
So many people won’t change paths and find a new career even when their current career isn’t serving them. They don’t want to “waste” their education and all the years they’ve invested in that path. They’ll resign themselves to being comfortably uncomfortable and unhappy for the rest of their life.
If that’s you, my question to you is: Why do you want to be relatively unhappy the rest of your life (the next 30 to 50 years) because of how you have spent the last 10 to 30 years? Why let your past dictate your future? Really, the only thing that dictates your future is the present – your choices right now.
A New Choice
For most of us, we don’t relate the word fun with career. Career is something we have to do (gotta pay the bills, right?) and we might even be pretty good at it.
I’ve spent the last twenty-odd years of my career in corporate finance. I went to college for it. I enjoy it and I’m pretty good at it. But I wouldn’t call it fun.
Although it has paid pretty well, I’m finding that it’s possible to make just as much, if not much more, doing something I really enjoy – something fun – that also helps people (a major bonus!).
And so I let my CPA license lapse this year. That was hard to do. I had put so much into obtaining it and keeping it. But it doesn’t really serve me anymore.
I intensely enjoy writing. Being a finance type, I never thought of myself as a writer (funny how much we limit ourselves by how we define ourselves). Sure, I can write a mean contract, but creative writing – something that people enjoy reading – just wasn’t me. Or so I thought. Until I started writing.
Now I’m looking at all the ways I can make money with my writing, teaching, and coaching in a way that supports my desired lifestyle.
Yes, I have finally discovered lifestyle design. What a concept! Do what you love, help other people and live your life in a way that you love.
Why haven’t we been doing this all along? Obviously, the System was not set up to serve its workers. It was set up to perpetuate itself. And the workers are suffering.
Redefine Yourself
Back to the definition of career: A path or course, as of the sun through the heavens.
This definition is much more open and liberating than what most of us think of when we think career.
Do you love what you do?
Is it fun?
Is it fulfilling?
Are you contributing in a way that satisfies and excites you?
What would you do for a career if it only had to fit this definition:Â a path or course?
While I’m still in a corporate job, I found one where I can work from home and live the lifestyle I want. I am so grateful for this!
At the same time, I’m working on my writing, blog and business so that I can transition full-time to the new career of my choice.
My years in finance were well spent and taught me how to run a business, understand financial statements, and manage people among many other things. Those years have certainly not been wasted. They provided the platform from which my next phase is being launched.
And I couldn’t be happier.
Do you want to spend the rest of your life doing what you’re doing?
If the answer is yes, then how can you do it even better, with more gusto, in a way that makes you even happier?
If the answer is no, then when will you make a change? Remember that your new choice is also not for the rest of your life. If you make the “wrong” choice, you’re free to make a different choice at any time. Over and over again until you find something you love.
In the meantime, how can you decide to be happier with what you’re doing today?
If there are things about your career that you don’t like, are you resisting them and, in doing so, making yourself unhappy and perpetuating those things? Situations and people are what they are. It’s our resistance to them that creates our own suffering. And resistance is our choice.
Simple Steps
- What do you love about your career?
- Make a list. Maybe you have a long list or maybe “your paycheck” is the only thing on it. Think hard and get creative.
- What do you dislike about your career?
- For each item, is it something you can change? How can you change it? When will you make the change?
- If you can’t change it, can you accept it? Without accepting things and people that you can’t change, you’re sentencing yourself to more unhappiness and suffering.
- How are you resisting each item on this list? If you weren’t resisting the item, if you fully accepted the person or situation the way it is, then it wouldn’t stir up negative emotions for you.
- Can you see yourself doing what you’re doing for the rest of your life?
- If so, how can you do it in a way that makes you even happier?
- If not, what career/passion/lifestyle could you choose that would lead to a positive answer?
- Make a list of possibilities.
- If you don’t know where to start, search the internet for the volumes of free tools to help you identify your passions.
- Take the first step toward this path by:
- Contacting someone you know who is already doing what you’re interested in.
- Finding someone doing it online and learn more about that person.
- Find forums on your passion/career and get involved.
- Read books on the subject.
- Just take a step – any step – to get the ball rolling.
Acknowledging your passions and giving them the breath of life will lead you to places you could never have planned or expected. And you’ll be happier when you give yourself permission to explore.
Create the life you want: Combine the law of attraction with mindfulness
The law of attraction suggests that our positive or negative thoughts bring about positive or negative experiences. My latest book, The Mindful Guide to Law of Attraction, pairs that belief with the powerful practices of mindfulness. Through intentional breathing, writing, and engaging, you’ll hone a method for manifesting health, wealth, and love―the elements of happiness.
Let the law of attraction work for you by adopting its basic steps of identifying and visualizing the things you desire. Then use 45 practical meditation techniques included in the book to achieve awareness. By concentrating your positive energy on obtaining your wants, you’ll give yourself permission to receive them.
To your happiness! ~Paige

You can find this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Indigo.
Thank you! Wow, I am so happy to read about someone who let their CPA lapse…I too am considering this, it’s just very hard to let go! I totally agree with you, it’s because we worked so hard and put so much into getting it that it’s scary to let go, even though that part of my life should not dictate the rest of my life! Thank you for inspiring me on this new and exciting chapter 🙂
Thanks Kellie! Yes, it’s very scary to let go of things that we work hard for. I’ve done a lot of things over the past few years that I thought I would never do. It was scary until I made the decision to make changes. Committing to a change takes some of the fear away because you tell yourself that there’s no turning back. All you can do is commit and move forward with your commitment.
And, of course, playing out the worst case scenario shows our crazy monkey mind that things won’t be as bad as the monkey plays them out to be.
Best wishes as you embark on your new chapter!
Hi Paige,
I love the way you organized this post…all the pieces working together in harmony. A great piece of writing and better yet more amazing insights into your path (as well as a path to think about following).
The key line for me was this one “Just take a step – any step – to get the ball rolling”. I think this really is the key as people (including me at times) seem to work themselves up into a frenzy when it comes to this type of change. The process tends to paralyze them until they retreat back to where the comfort is….better to be paralyzed then truly vulnerable.
The “Just one step – any step” is so utterly important
One brick in the wall
One stone on the road
One word on the page
You just need the courage to start.
Thanks for making a difference today Paige.
Thank YOU Alan! Most people try to make things too complicated which is another reason for going nowhere. If it’s too hard, why start? Breaking things down into those tiny, baby steps makes change much easier. If I had thought about what it would end up taking to create what I’ve created online, I probably wouldn’t have started. But I read something that laid out those first few baby steps (i.e. go to GoDaddy and buy a domain name) and it got my ball rolling.
Every day I learn more, implement more, DO more – one baby step at a time. Those little steps add up in a hurry.
Persistence is the key to success. Results usually don’t happen overnight and we’ve unfortunately been programmed to think otherwise. Every day, keep stepping out!
I’ve been working for myself the past 20+ years and loving it. Whenever my passion for doing something starts to fade away, I have been lucky enough to replace it with something else. I think if keep on growing and learning, our instincts will lead us where need to go. As a dear friend of mine said “If you have faith, the earth will provide”.
Beautiful post Paige….:) Fran
That’s so awesome that you’ve decided to live your life this way. So many people spend their lives wishing it to be so without thinking it’s possible. Thank you for being another great example that it’s so possible!
You have an amazing way of writing that touches our hearts and makes us think….AND end up happier for the process.
We all tend to be caught up with what we should be, rather than what we want to be. Very eye-opener kind of post. I was happy in a sales/marketing/training career for 20+ years, but was also glad to find I didn’t mind a change. Now I enjoy doing what I dreamed of – writing AND making some money in the process.
Thank you. My favorite line here is the definition: A path or course, as of the sun through the heavens. So simple, yet so full of meaning!
My goal is a path similar to yours, Vidya. I’ve been fairly happy in my corporate finance career for 20+ years (I’m still in it) but I’m experiencing the joy of writing, sharing, supporting and meeting wonderful new people like you. As I put the pieces together for my first of many programs, I’ll soon be enjoying making this my new career. My own path through the heavens…
Hi Paige, i stumbled here via Anastasiya’s website… and this post really speaks to me. i went through this same inner turmoil myself. and only recently rediscovered my passion for writing. funny, i was in banking & finance too, after having studied law and politics. i can write a mean contract and a fancy presentation haha… but have i forgotten my love for poetry and creative writing as a result. but one step at a time. now i write for myself, to deal with my inner thoughts and get better from depression first… career… hmmm, well, i prefer to find my new “lifestyle” instead of “career”…
Noch NOch
Noch Noch,
Congratulations on allowing your inner voice to sing again! Your blog is beautiful! I hope you continue to inspire others.
Hi Paige (sorry, can you teach me how to pronouce your name?)
Thanks! I’m glad you like it. I hope it will give others some inspiration too, and for those who are suffering a similar plight, just a reassurance that someone out there understands
Thanks for the support
Look forward to your next post!
Noch Noch
Thanks Noch Noch! My name is pronounced like the “page” in a book.
Best wishes for a wonderful New Year! I just completed my 2012 Love List after reading Courtney Carver’s latest post at Be More With Less (http://www.bemorewithless.com/2011/how-to-make-a-love-list/). It was a great process and void of the stress we put on ourselves with the usual annual goals lists. I highly recommend it.
The definition is awesome. Except for 2 years of my life I’ve always worked for myself.
A path or course, as of the sun through the heavens.
Love it!
You’re definitely a sun that shines brightly on everyone you touch.
Thank you!
Hi Paige,
I believe we each have a purpose and a calling in life just like we each have unique talents and gifts. In order to recognize and serve our purpose and honor our calling requires us to first know who we truly are. Many people don’t really know who they are and others are in the process of awakening to their true self.
Once we know who you are and are able to be our true authentic self then it becomes easier to identify our true calling in life. Our calling and career maybe one and the same. However more often than not a calling and a career are separate and different things.
If you have a calling and a career that are one and the same consider it a great blessing. I think more and more this is becoming common. People are able to do what they absolutely love and are able to earn an income at the same time. We are living at a time where there are so many opportunities to make this possible.
Regardless of where we are in our journey nothing is ever wasted. Whatever we do in life teaches us something about ourselves and ultimately what we want.
Paige, I’m glad to hear you’re in the process of doing what you love. Your love and talent definitely shows in your writing in this blog. Thank you for having the courage to follow your heart and honor your calling.
Personally I feel truly grateful to have a career which I believe is also my calling. I love working as a mental health nurse. I also feel called to write. I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing since a very young age. I feel privilaged to have the opportunity and the means to engage in both of these areas of work. It is extremely meaningful, and fulfiling.
Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post. Wishing you many blessing.
Peace, Love & Gratitude,
Thank you Neseret!
Your writings are so beautiful! You are quite blessed as are your patients. Thank you for expressing your many talents and passions with everyone around you. We are blessed too.